Saturday 11 November 2017

Empire Online Trading Post

NEW YORK Unilever vurderer opsjoner etter at rival Kraft Heinz trakk 143 milliarder overnattertilbud. Avtalen som ble trukket tilbake, ville ha kombinert Kraft Heinz-produkter som Oscar Mayer, Jell-O og Velveeta med Unilevers stabile merkevarer, som inkluderer mat og andre forbruksvarer som Dove-såpe og vaselin. Unilevers aksje steg mer enn 3. BOSTON Eaton Vance Corp. på onsdag rapporterte skattemessige resultat i første kvartal på 60,7 millioner. Gjennomsnittlig estimat på fire analytikere som ble undersøkt av Zacks Investment Research var for inntjening på 58 cent per aksje. Eaton Vance aksjer har klatret 6 prosent siden begynnelsen av året. Banker skadet økonomien, Italia saddled med haug med dårlige lån. BRUSSELS, 22. februar - EU-kommisjonen advarte Italia onsdag om at risikoen for disiplinær tiltak ville bli truffet hvis det ikke vedtok lovede tiltak for å redusere underskuddet, og legge til press på en regjering mot mulige tidlige valg og økende eurospeseptiske følelser. Italia er satt for å øke sin store offentlige gjeld. NYHET DELHI, 22. februar - Kostnaden for å rekapitalisere Indias krevende banker ville være rimelig selv under et negativt scenario, sa International Monetary Fund onsdag, og oppfordret regjeringens skritt for å styrke det finansielle systemet. Veier inn i en fornyet debatt om å takle Indias 130 milliarder kroner i stressede lån, sa IMF rekapitaliseringskostnadene. NYHET DELHI, 22. februar - Kostnaden for å rekapitalisere Indias krevende banker ville være rimelig selv under et negativt scenario, sa International Monetary Fund onsdag, og oppfordret regjeringens skritt for å styrke det finansielle systemet. Veier inn i en fornyet debatt om å takle Indias 130 milliarder kroner i stressede lån, sa IMF rekapitaliseringskostnadene. 22. februar - Argos Therapeutics Inc. sa på onsdag at en uavhengig dataovervåkingskomité konkluderte med at selskapets eksperimentelle behandling av metastatisk nyrecellekarcinom sannsynligvis ville mislykkes. Selskapets andel doblet rundt 72 prosent i premarket trading. Selskapet sa det er å analysere forsøksdataene og planlegger å diskutere det med U. S. Food. Fed for å frigjøre minutter klokken 14:00 ET. Fed vil frigjøre protokollen fra sitt 31. januar til 1. februar møte klokken 2:00 ET. Markedet har priset i prisstigninger og er imøtekommende, sa Andre Bakhos, administrerende direktør ved Janlyn Capital i Bernardsville, New Jersey. FRAMINGHAM, Mass. TJX Cos. På onsdag rapporterte en fjerde kvartal nettoinntekt på 677,9 millioner. Framingham, Massachusetts-baserte selskapet sa at det hadde en fortjeneste på 1,03 per aksje. Gjennomsnittlig estimat på 12 analytikere som ble kartlagt av Zacks Investment Research var for inntjening på 1 per aksje. Aetna vil bruke 3,3 milliarder kroner til å kjøpe tilbake mer enn 20 millioner aksjer i aksjene etter at helsevesenets styre godkjente flere tilbakekjøp i forrige uke. Aetna betaler hver forhandler 1,65 milliarder kroner og bruker tilgjengelig kontanter for å finansiere avtalene. Denne kunngjøringen kom noen dager etter at Aetna kalt ut sine 34 milliarder anskaffelser av Medicare Advantage. Kengeter står overfor tyske krav HQ flytter til Frankfurt. Den 27 milliarder-plus-avtalen for å skape Europas største aksjemarked ble rammet før Storbritannia stemte for å forlate EU. Brexit har bedt tyske politikere om å kreve at den sammenslåtte selskapets hovedkontor flytter til Frankfurt, og stiller scenen for et sammenstøt med Storbritannia som det søker å beskytte. 22. februar - TJX Cos Inc, morselskapet til T. J. Maxx og Marshalls, rapporterte bedre enn forventet sammenlignbart butikk salg onsdag, og økte kvartalsvis utbytte. TJXs nettoinntekt steg til 677,9 millioner, eller 1,03 per aksje, fra 666,5 millioner, eller 99 cent per aksje, et år tidligere. Framingham, Massachusetts-baserte selskapet sa at det ville øke sitt utbytte ved. Minutter av Feds siste møte på grunn av 1900 GMT. LONDON, 22. feb. Nervøse investorer lette etter nye signaler om hvorvidt amerikanske rentenivåer vil stige i mars og på USA. Vi ser risikoen som ganske binær på gullmarkedet, sier Carsten Menke, analytiker for råvarer ved Julius Baer i Sveits. LONDON, 22. februar - Anglo-nederlandsk forbruksvaregruppe Unilever sa at det var å vurdere sine opsjoner for å drive aksjonærverdier, bare dager etter at det raskt avviste et overtak 143 milliarder overtakelsestilbud fra Kraft Heinz. Kraft, som støttes av Warren Buffett og private equity firmaet 3 G, hadde ønsket å kjøpe Unilever som en del av sin strategi for å kjøpe konkurrenter og. Storbritannias økonomi utvider 0,7 prosent i fjerde kvartal, raskest vekst i et år. LONDON, 22. feb. Britains økonomi sprang opp i slutten av 2016, data viste, men over hele året var det svakere enn tidligere antatt, og det var tegn på at Brexit-avstemningen i økende grad vil fungere som en bremse på veksten i 2017. Pundet falt etter onsdagskontor for nasjonalstatistikk tall, hvilke nr. LEVERKUSEN, Tyskland, 22. februar - Tyskere narkotika - og plantebeskyttelsesmaker Bayer progniserer et år uten inntjeningsvekst for sin landbruksproduktervirksomhet onsdag, da den forsøker å fullføre sin 66 milliarder avtale for å overtage amerikanske frø giganten Monsanto. Aksjene var ned 1,8 prosent på 106,95 euro 1319 GMT, reverserer gevinster gjort over de siste tre trading sesjonene. VANCOUVER, Britisk Columbia Amerigo Resources Ltd. på onsdag rapporterte fjerde kvartal nettoinntekter på 3 millioner, etter å ha rapportert et tap i samme periode året før. Vancouver, British Columbia-baserte selskapet sa at det hadde en fortjeneste på 2 cent per aksje. Nøkkelord: Amerigo Resources, Resultatrapport. NY DELHI, 22. februar - India planlegger å auksjonere oljeprøveblokker innen juni, og vil gi budgivere mulighet til å utarbeide områder hvor de vil bore for å tiltrekke seg større interesse, fortalte en regjeringens representant til Reuters onsdag. India gjennomførte sin letelisensiering i fjor med et skifte til en inntektsdelingsmodell, samtidig som det ble muliggjort prising og. MARCATO SEGER FORSKELLET MED BUFFALO WILD WINGS LATEST EARNINGS, MANGEL AV KLARHET PÅ Å OPPLEVE MARGIN GOALS, INTERNATIONAL EXPANSION. AKTIVITERT INVESTOR MARCATO CAPITAL MANAGEMENT FORNYTTING PÅ BUFFALO WILD WINGS, CITES UNDERFORMATION. Februar 22 - Argos Therapeutics Inc. sa på onsdag at en uavhengig dataovervåkingskomité har anbefalt selskapet å avbryte sin forsøksprosedyre for behandling av metastatisk nyrecellekarcinom. I sin topp var det britiske imperiet det største formelle imperiet som verden hadde noen gang kjent. Som sådan spredt sin kraft og innflytelse over hele kloden på alle måter. Dette nettstedet er dedikert til å analysere historien om det britiske imperiet: triumferne, ydmykelsene, det gode det brakte og det dårlige at det påførte seg. For bedre eller verre hadde det britiske imperiet en enorm innvirkning på verdens historie. Det er av denne grunn at dette nettstedet forsøker å bringe folkene, kulturer, opplevelser og krefter som gjorde riket til en så kraftig institusjon til livs skyld. Det er heller ingen unnskyldning for, eller en nostalgisk reminisens av institusjonen som så dominert verden i over to århundrer. Det analyserer og beskriver snarere den store institusjonen som så påvirket verdens form som vi ser i dag. Hensikten med nettstedet Først og fremst vil jeg gjøre det klart at dette nettstedet ikke er et strenge akademisk nettsted. Jeg er sikker på at det er mange feil og oversikter fra min side som jeg beklager på forhånd. Min interesse for emnet er rent av en personlig oppdagelsesrekke for å gi meg en grunn til å undersøke hva jeg anser som et fascinerende emne. Så lenge jeg kan huske, har jeg alltid vært interessert i keiserlige historier, filmer eller historier. Hvis jeg analyserer det, tror jeg at jeg er interessert i konseptet om hvorfor menn og kvinner var forberedt på å forlate verden som de kjente for en som var helt fremmed for dem. Selvfølgelig, ikke alle hadde luksusen av valg en beslutning ble ofte tvunget på mange. Men likevel er jeg interessert i hvordan folk klarte å starte nye liv i eksotiske eller fremmede land med forskjellige kulturer, geografi, språk, etc. etc. Ofte forsøkte de å bringe sin egen kultur med seg, selv om dette ikke alltid fungerte som tiltenkt. Formet de destinasjonen eller dannet destinasjonen dem Og hva med de forskjellige opplevelsene Hva med de som gikk midlertidig som en del av en jobb eller en kontrakt i forhold til de som prøvde å starte et helt nytt liv uten å tenke på å komme hjem igjen Det var store befolkningsflyter rundt og mellom de forskjellige koloniene. Dette var en epoke før pass og innvandringslover. Hvis du hadde midler til å betale passasjen din (eller gi den til deg), var det mer enn mulig for deg å bevege deg rundt denne store institusjonen. Mange kolonier vil oppmuntre til migrasjon for å skape en arbeidsstyrke eller en bærekraftig befolkning for å bevare og forsvare det. Faktisk, hva var motivasjonene bak etableringen av imperiet selv Og hvem var menneskene som gjorde det mulig Dette er bare noen av spørsmålene og temaene som du finner adressert rundt dette nettstedet. Om forfatteren Mitt navn er Stephen Luscombe, og jeg var lærer i mange år. Jeg er for tiden basert i Plymouth, Storbritannia. (en havn med store keiserlige forbindelser som forklart i en artikkel på nettstedet). Jeg har også lært i Frankrike, Midtøsten og Japan. Jeg startet nettstedet i 1996 for å prøve å kombinere mine to undervisningsemner av IKT og historie. Jeg følte at å skape et nettbasert historieområde ville gi meg en unnskyldning for å finpusse begge settene med ferdigheter. Jeg tror ikke at jeg skjønte hvor stort og populært dette nettstedet ville bli gjennom årene. Den mottar et gjennomsnitt på over 5000 forskjellige besøkende hver eneste dag i året. Det er for tiden over 20.000 sider i lengde, og det vokser utålelig. Forresten har jeg skrevet en side som forklarer hvordan britiske skoler har behandlet historiens lære og hvordan dette har endret seg og utviklet seg gjennom årene. Du kan lese den artikkelen her. Selv om kapittelet om hvordan Brexit kan påvirke undervisningen i keiserlig historie, er det ennå ikke skrevet. Vi må vente og se. Jeg har vært privilegert å ha vært hjulpet av en hel serie bidragsytere gjennom årene. Det er for mange å nevne her, men alle innleveringer, bilder, etc. blir takknemlig til de opprinnelige forfatterne eller giverne gjennom hele nettstedet. En gruppe verdt å single ut er Overseas Service Pensioners Association (OSPA) som består av medlemmer av Colonial Service. Jeg har jobbet tett med denne organisasjonen og integrert historier og historier om deres tid som bor og jobber i det britiske imperiet. Mye av materialet finnes i artiklene. Hvis du har materiale du vil legge til på siden, så ikke nøl med å kontakte meg. Enten du har noen gamle familiefotografier, en artikkel som du har skrevet, en bok eller film anmeldelse eller hva som helst, hvis det er koblet til det britiske imperiet på en eller annen måte, ville jeg være glad for å være vert for den på nettstedet. Selvfølgelig er det en facebook-side og en epost-diskusjonsgruppe hvor du kan legge inn korte kommentarer, forespørsler eller stille spørsmål. De eneste reglene er at stillinger er knyttet til keiserlig historie i en eller annen form, og at et høyt nivå av høflighet og høflighet opprettholdes til enhver tid. Ellers går alt. Du kan også hjelpe ved å donere penger for å holde dette nettstedet operativt. Alt materiale på nettstedet er gitt gratis, og det vil alltid være politikken til nettstedet. Imidlertid koster det penger for å opprettholde det på serveren, for tiden å kurere materialet og å kontinuerlig forbedre nettstedet. Enhver donasjon, men liten, vil bli takknemlig mottatt og vil bidra til å opprettholde dette som en gratis ressurs for alle som vil ha eller trenger det. Du kan donere gjennom paypal her: Bedre ennå, kan du bli en vanlig supporter og betale et månedlig beløp for å hjelpe meg å tilegne enda mer tid, krefter og energi på å forbedre og utvide nettstedet: De med tekniske og kodende ferdigheter kan være i stand til å hjelpe også. Jeg vil gjerne ta råd om de beste måtene å oppdatere kodingen og fasilitetene på nettstedet og maksimere rekkevidden til materialet på dette nettstedet. En annen måte å hjelpe hvis du er en webmaster eller blogforfatter, er å koble til dette nettstedet - enten på hjemmesiden eller til bestemte sider på nettstedet. Disse koblingene bidrar til å markedsføre nettstedet på ulike søkemotorer, og dermed hjelpe andre å finne informasjon om koloniale emner. Jeg er alltid villig til å motta hvis nettstedet ditt har en keiserlig forbindelse eller et tema på noen måte. Hvilken periode av historie er dekket Å definere start og slutt for datoene til det britiske imperiet har ikke vært en enkel oppgave. Det er vanligvis delt inn i to distinkte Empires. Det første rike revolusjonert primært, men ikke utelukkende, rundt bosetterkoloniene i Amerika. Disse vil bli kalt de tretten koloniene og vil få deres uavhengighet fra Storbritannia i 1783. Det andre imperiet utviklet seg fra resten av det første - spesielt India - og ble lagt til under Napoleonskrigen og deretter gjennom hele det nittende århundre og til og med inn i begynnelsen av det tjuende århundre. Det er dette andre, overveiende viktorianske imperiet som de fleste forbinder med det britiske imperiet. Dette nettstedet dekker faktisk begge - men det er nyttig å kunne skille de to enhetene. Jeg pleier å bruke de praktiske bookends fra 1497 til 1997 som gir en behagelig fem hundre års synkronisitet. Den første datoen markerer den aller første oversjøiske engelske kolonien Newfoundland som hevdes som de søkte en rute til orientenes rikdom gjennom en håpet på nordvestpassasjen. 1997-datoen representerer britene som trekker seg fra deres siste store (i det minste i befolkningsbetingelser) og økonomisk signifikant koloni i Hong Kong. Denne datoen er litt mer vilkårlig fordi det er litt over et dusin territorier fortsatt direkte styrt av Storbritannia spredt over hele verden. Jeg antar at Falklandsøyene representerer den største av disse gjenværende koloniene, og Falklands-krigen fra 1982 var absolutt den siste koloniale krigen. Det er faktisk sagt at de britiske områdene fortsatt er spredt nok rundt om i verden at solen fortsatt ikke teknisk sett ligger på det britiske imperiet. Jeg tror at Pitcairn Island i det hele tatt lar solen spore over Stillehavet og fortsatt skinner direkte på administrert britisk territorium. Selvfølgelig setter solen aldri på imperiet på denne nettsiden. Stuart Leggs artikkel: Det britiske imperiet - Tilstedeværelsen som forandret verden gir en oversikt over Britains innflytelse på den videre verden. Tom Russells artikkel: Dagens britiske oversjøiske territorier I sammenheng forklares hvordan de resterende bitene av rosa blir administrert i disse dager. Hvilken periode er ikke dekket Forvirrende, de to distinkte britiske imperier som er skissert over, blir i noen tilfeller referert til som henholdsvis andre og tredje imperier. Det har vært kjent for historikere å referere til den normandiske ekspansjonen av deres vinkling (England) som å være en karakteristisk Empire Building-epoke av seg selv. Denne imperiumbygningen vil omfatte tillegg av Wales, Kanaløyene, Isle of Man og den første etableringen av utposter i Irland. Det blir forvirrende fordi normanerne selv kom fra Nord-Frankrike, og det var også et NormanFrench-imperium eller et særegent engelsk imperium. Faktisk kom normanerne ned fra vikingerefergerne som selv hadde bosatt seg i Nord-Frankrike - så var det en Viking Empire selv Dette anglo-franske imperiet, hvis jeg kan kalle det det, ville senere bli referert til som Angevin Empire. Det begynte virkelig å gå opp i de to særegne landene i England og Frankrike i løpet av hundreårskriget. Selv selv etter det holdt England et tåvtak i Nord-Frankrike ved Calais, til Mary Tudor endelig mistet kontrollen av det i 1558, selv om Kanaløyene fortsatt teknisk sett forblir en del av Storbritannia. Dette nettstedet går ikke inn i denne middelalderen i det hele tatt. Det utvider seg ikke egentlig på etableringen av Storbritannia eller dannelsen av Storbritannia, det ene unntaket er Irland, som hadde et dypt komplisert forhold til Storbritannia og den keiserlige opplevelsen generelt. Jeg har sett Wales og Skottland som integrerte deler av Storbritannia, slik at Skottland ikke ble medlem av unionen til 1707, delvis som følge av den økonomiske ødeleggende opplevelsen med sitt eget skotske imperium i DarienNew Caledonia. Ironisk nok vil det skotske i særdeleshet trives innenfor mulighetene fra det britiske imperiet. Teknisk sett burde Storbritannia kun bli brukt fra denne 1707-datoen, så perioden fra 1497 til 1707 burde virkelig betegnes som et engelsk imperium - selv om Wales var en del av den politiske enheten. I tillegg har jeg hatt en tendens til å unngå europeisk politikk, krig og diplomati, med mindre de hadde direkte bære på riket selv. For eksempel har jeg ikke dekket noen av de europeiske kampanjer i Napoleonskrigen, men har nevnt mange av koloniale sammenstøt og hoovering opp av franske og nederlandske kolonier av Royal Navy. De to verdenskrigene blir behandlet på samme måte. Årsaken til dette er delvis praktisk: Det er ikke nok tid til å gjøre rettferdighet til disse store konfliktene i tillegg til alle keiserlige konflikter. Men det er også en politisk dimensjon til denne beslutningen som dreier seg om utenrikspolitiske mål. Briterne tok svært få kolonier i Europa selv og de som det gjorde var hovedsakelig til bruk som marinebaser. Dens utenrikspolitikk for Europa var generelt å sikre at ingen europeisk makt kom til å dominere kontinentet. Den ble ofte med i allianser mot franskmennene i det attende og det nittende århundre, russerne på midten av 1800-tallet og tyskerne i det tjuende århundre. Dens væpnede styrker ble ofte bedt om å tjene på kontinentet, men det ble ikke involvert i oppgjør eller kolonisering etter at konfliktene var løst. Europa var tett befolket, det hadde et rimelig høyteknologisk nivå, og befolkningene der ble stadig mer bevisst på deres nasjonalistiske og språklige grupperinger. Dessuten var det faktum at Storbritannia var en øy, og at den hadde en stor og kraftig marine, at den hadde råd til å velge og velge sitt engasjement og engasjement på kontinentet, slik at det kunne vise seg oppmerksomhet mot maritim og ikke-europeisk handel og muligheter i stedet. Jeg har derfor konkludert med at det er best for dette nettstedet å unngå kontinentale kriger, kamper og politikk. Hva er en ColonyVISIT THE BOWIEWONDERWORLD SHOP LATEST DAVID BOWIE ITEMS ON eBAY Vennligst nevn BowieWonderworld når du svarer på noen av annonsene nedenfor. Å legge en GRATIS reklame på BowieWonderworld Trading Post bare e-post: BOWIE WANTED og TIL SALG BOWIE ITEMS FOR HANDEL - Paul Kinder BOWIE BILDER TIL SALG - Rik Walton JEAN GENIE FOTO BOX SET - Ian Dickson BOWIE RECORDS FOR SALG - Michael Coates BOWIE ITEMS Ønsket Speed ​​of Life, Sukita Genesis Publications Book. Eventuelle signerte litografier (Rex Ray etc). Eventuelle andre signerte Bowie bøker (ikke Moonage Daydream eller Station to Station though). Vennligst melding med priser etc, takk GI-NORMOUS BOWIE COLLECTION FOR SALG USA Bowie kollektor siden 1973 selger av en gigormorøs samling. Jeg selger bare til USA-kjøpere. Alt du kult europeerne hvis du har en USA-kontakt, vil jeg gjerne sende til den plasseringen i USA, og de kan muligens sende til deg utenlands. Takk bowie venner Mitt eBay brukernavn er skylights2013 - legg til meg som selger du følger som samlingen her har nye varer lagt til hele tiden. Jeg tar også forespørsler. AVCSAR MAGAZINE COLLECTION Jeg selger en stor del av min samling av magasiner. Alt sammen med David Bowie på dekslene. Mye 1. 112 magasiner fra Japan, Hong Kong, Kina, Korea og Thailand, Indonesia. Mye 2. 658 magasiner fra resten av verden. (Jeg legger inn i dette partiet ca 50 flere mags med Bowie innhold, selv om han ikke er på forsiden). Ta gjerne email til listen. Mange takk. BOWIE POSTER Leter du etter å selge eller TRADE en tysk konsertposter fra Outside Tour (med spesiell gjest Morrissey) fra 1996. Den er signert av David Bowie og datert 96. Signed Backstage i Dortmund 30. januar 1996. Jeg vil enten selge for 800 OBO. ELLER handel for en av disse signerte bøkene: Moonage Daydream (signert av Bowie). Speed ​​of Life (signert av Bowie). David Bowie Er autografisert kopi (signert av Bowie). Ta kontakt med meg på samling av BOWIE SHEET MUSIC David Bowie notene: sjelden, ut-av-trykk, ny og god tilstand, 2. hånd. Jeg har en samling av Bowie noter - selger som en komplett pakke. Jeg vil ikke bryte bunten opp, beklager. 650 Australia dollar for hele samlingen. Det tok mye arbeid å samle. De fleste er ute av print og sjeldne. LowStation To Station Stage Anthology Ziggy Stardust album - bandarrangement - sjelden The Songs of David Bowie Space Oddity og andre sanger - inkluderer Deram tidlig sanger The Next Day - splitter nye David Bowie - The Collection Også 5 arkivkataloger av nedlastingskjøp og sikkerhetskopier av : Diamond Dogs Scary Monsters Bowie for gitar og det meste av hans innspilt materiale i enten pianovocalguitar eller gitarakkordformatformater i alfabetisk rekkefølge er noen Lou Reed (Transformer) og Iggy Pop sanger (Lust For Life pluss andre). Jeg vet ikke fraktkostnadene ennå. Finn ut snart som mulig. Epost Phil på for flere detaljer. DAVID BOWIE GLASS ART Er det noen som er interessert i dette stykket, har jeg David Bowie Glass Art - Aladdin Sane image. Størrelsen er 1.700mm bred, 2.180mm høy, 6mm tykk. Bildet er gravert på den ene siden, med den andre siden jevn. Send meg en e-post med eventuelle kommentarer og mulige tilbud via FOR SALG: BOWIE IN CONCERT Hei, jeg har et originalt opptak av David Bowie live i konsert fra 5. august 1990 innspilt på Milton Keynes Arena i Storbritannia. Opptaket ble laget av min onkel, som var en del av BBC-laget som sendte konserten på Radio 2 live. Stereoopptaket er på BASF ferro LH HiFi DP26 Dobbeltspilt magnetisk 14 tommers spole for å spole tape. Båndet er på en 15 cm plastrulle som inneholder 549 meter, dette gir opptil 90 minutters opptak. Dessverre har jeg ikke lenger en spole for å rulle maskinen, så jeg kan ikke verifisere kvaliteten, men alt innholdet virker tørt, sikkert og i ett stykke uten åpenbare tegn på forringelse. Hvis noen er interessert i å kjøpe innspillingen, vennligst kontakt meg på 3 BOWIE OFF THE RECORD MUSIC SCORES FOR SALE. Jeg har veldig sjelden mintilstand. David Bowie Off The Record-musikkpoengbøker for: Hunky Dory, The Man Who Sold The World and Space Oddity . Jeg ser for å selge alle tre til 450. Vennligst kontakt WANTED BOWIE CUT OUT Leter du etter full størrelse David Bowie figur papp kuttet ut. Vennligst send epost DAVID BOWIE GÅR I SOHO David Bowie går i Soho Fold-out Maps publisert av Victoria og Albert Museum i London. Bare pund5 hvert pluss PP. Begrenset antall gjenværende. Alle opptjente penger går direkte mot løpekostnadene til bowiewonderworld. Ta kontakt med meg for mer informasjon. BOWIE BANC DEBIT CARD FOR SALG For ca. 15 år siden hadde David Bowie sin egen nettbank i USA i noen år. Bare 1500 kontoer ble åpnet, og jeg hadde en av dem. Jeg har holdt debetkortet med ansiktet på det helt siden. Disse kommer svært sjelden til salgs hvor som helst. Interessert Email for detaljer. BOWIE VARER TIL SALGS Hei der legger jeg noen få ting fra min enorme og unike David Bowie-kolleksjon til salgs. Jeg har noen viktige gjeld jeg må betale veldig snart, så dessverre må jeg slippe litt av det verdifulle jeg eier, min David Bowie-kolleksjon. Det er en ganske stor samling som jeg har investert ganske mye tid og enda større penger inn i, med en rekke svært sjeldne gjenstander med begrenset produksjon, så vel som ting jeg aldri har vært i stand til å spore en annen kopi av. Jeg selger noen av de mest sjeldne og verdifulle elementene jeg har og tar de beste tilbudene jeg mottar for dem. Live og Well 2 CD-CD som var begrenset til BowieNet-medlemmer, og var ikke tilgjengelig for publikum eller for kjøp. Ikke bare er dette fortsatt i sin originale emballasje, det er faktisk fortsatt i den originale boksen at den ble sendt inn og aldri blitt åpnet. All Saints CD - Dette er ikke detaljhandelsutgivelsen tilgjengelig for publikum eller promo-versjonen av detaljhandelutgivelsen, men er faktisk den svært sjeldne og svært begrensede originale versjonen som Bowie produserte for å gi ut som julegaver til et begrenset antall venner og familie. Dette er et utrolig sjeldent element som jeg kjøpte av eBay for rundt 15 år siden for rundt 400. Massevis av sjeldne og vintage Bowie skjorter. Dette er de jeg er mest villig til å dele med skjønt: God jul Mr. Lawrence T-skjorte forfremmelsesskjorte av KGB. FM 101. Lar Dance original svart boksekjorte. Noen få (hvite eller grønne) skjorter fra 19 juni 2000 Roseland Ballroom NY show. Bowie med øye patch Tie Dye Shirt. Noen få video mestere, må sjekke hvilke, men har Tibet House Concert, NY, Boston og Isle of Wight viser at jeg må sjekke hvor mange år de er fra. Sound Vision kassettsett sett. Tonn Bootlegs. Av mine originaler, disse er de som jeg har doblet på eller er villig til å gi slipp på: Ziggy og edderkoppene Cleveland Music Hall 72 Året av edderkoppene 72 Fra hovedrollens vaults New Yorks a Go-Go (2 plater) 87 Alabama Sang Andre flotte sanger (2 disker) 78 De glemte sangene til David Robert Jones Live i Stockholm (2 disker) 78 Kyss edderkoppene Fang lille undring i Paradiso Hellige Uortodokse Nantes 97 Guddommelige Symmetri Godnattsenne Den tynne hvite hertugen Voyeur Fortellende historier Selvmordsangrep Gutt Kunne han spille gitar Absolutt sjeldne Den siste helt The Beckenham Oddity 20th Century Boy Cocaine legger livet. De fleste av Ryko gullbelagte plater. Massevis av gamle magasiner fra alle æra. Spør om du leter etter noe spesielt. Og utklipp. Har også The Raven signert av Lou Reed. Du er velkommen til å sende meg noen tilbud på EARLY DAVID BOWIE VINYL WANTED. Leter du etter pre-1972 Bowie album og singler. Hvis du kan hjelpe, vennligst send epost til DAVID BOWIE CLUB BERLIN 21-09-1995 LIMITED EDITION CD TIL SALGS Hei, jeg har en David Bowie Club begrenset utgave Berlin 21.09-1995 Berlin hyllest til David Bowie CD til salgs. Det er komplett med original plakat, den originale blikkvesken og den spesielle CDen. Hele er i samme stand som jeg fikk det i 1995, som er mynte. Jeg vil bare selge, ingen handel av noe slag. Jeg kan sende detaljerte bilder. Send meg på TMWSTW ORIGINAL FØRSTE PRESSING VINYL ALBUM Jeg selger disse samlerne The Man Who Sold The World-stykke som er i utmerket stand. Dette er albumet der Tony Visconti er stavet feil på selve platen. Også dette Mercury-albumet har også Mick quotwoodyquot Woodmansey stavet feil på albumdekselet. Dette er et must for den seriøse samleren. Ta kontakt med MOONAGE DAYDREAM DELUXE Moonage Daydream Deluxe kopi 331 av 350 spesielle kopier tatt fra den begrensede utgaven. Signert av David Bowie og Mick Rock. Boks og i mint stand. Pris 1500 britiske pund. Ta kontakt med meg på BOWIE BILDER TIL SALG Jeg har to av David Bowie bilder, en er 1976 Paris, den andre er David som spiller saxofonen. Jeg har også to av Frank Zappa, et bilde og negativer. Alle originale utskrifter 11x7, signert av Andrew Kent. Vennligst kontakt BOWIE WANTED Original Silver CDs Bull Strange Fascination (1974). Bull A Portrait In Flesh (1974). Bull Wealth and Authority (1974). Bull Secret Lounge (1978). 7 tommers singler: oksen opphold (USA, Portugal og Japan utgivelser). DVDer: Bull Cher (1975) Bull Senere Med Jools Holland (1995 og 1999) Bull Glastonbury (2000). Også interessert i andre sjeldne TVconcert-opptak. Send meg e-post med mange takk. Ønsket Davis Bowie-trinns-signert varemerker Jeg ønsker å kjøpe scenebrevne, brukte, signerte Bowie-elementer til min samling. Vennligst send meg en e-post med alt som er tilgjengelig. Ta kontakt med meg David Bowie arbeid - kontakt meg på BOWIE ITEMS WANTED Leter du etter en 1973 Bowie billett, 1999 billett og 1972 turné elementer. Vennligst send epost til IGGY FOR SALE bull 1977 4CD Set (Easy Action) (Ny og forseglet) pound30 pound5 UK 1. klasse innspilt levering. Bull The Idiot (Import, EMI Japan, 2009) (Beste lydkvalitet) (Ny og forseglet) pund20 pund2,50 UK innspilt levering. Bull Lust For Life (Import, Virgin America, 1990) pound5 pound1.50 UK 1. Send meg e-post med mange takk. TIN MASKIN SHOW WANTED Jeg leter etter Tin Machine showet i San Diego fra 14. desember 1991 på Spreckels Theatre. Vennligst kontakt meg på takk BOWIE AUDIOSVIDEOS Leter du etter følgende viser. oksen The Belfry 1972. bull Evansville 1976 (eksisterer eller ikke). Bull St. Louis 1976 (eksisterer eller ikke). Bull Bridlington 1973. Bull Fresno 1978 (audio andor video). Har andre interessante viser å handle. Vennligst send e-post: for å gjøre et tilbud og å ha informasjon (skanning, tracklisting, kvalitet, etc.). Med vennlig hilsen. BOWIE CONCERT RECORDINGS Trade Bowie konsertopptak CD eller fra tape. Jeg har en stor konsertopptakssamling, på bånd og nå konvertert til CD, En side av bånd er ett spor på cd. Ønsker å handle, trenger ASAP. 09 25 71 Aylesbury. 15 06 74 Ottawa. 03 02 76 Seattle. 21 03 76 Springfield. Alle 1996 til 2004. Og mest etterlengtede 25 06 04 Scheebel. For mer informasjon BOWIE ITEMS TO SWAP nederlandsk Bowie fan ønsker å bytte (bytte) sine dobbelte gjenstander. Last ned liste her Excel-regneark eller e-post for den aktuelle listen som skal sendes til deg. Kontakt Geert på IMAN NO. 1 ART TIL SALG Iman No.1 litografi signert av både David Bowie og Iman. 3000 WANTED WANTED WANTED Sjeldne vinyl, Factory-pressede CDer og Pro CDR-er etterspurt av en seriøs samler i mange år som prøver å fylle hull i levende uoffisiell samling. Også prøver å bygge samling av Godfather Records utgivelser (CDer) - Alle titler ikke bare Bowie. Vennligst send e-post mange takk. En REALITY TOUR FLIGHT CASE STICKERS 1 Flight Case En Reality Tour klistremerker til salgs. Disse ble brukt på flysaker som ble brukt under A Reality Tour for å indikere innholdet og plasseringen av flysaken. Farge er rosa. Den ble gitt av en roadie under turnéprøven i Brussel, Belgia. Gjør seriøst tilbud til mange takk. BOWIE CDer ØNSKER Har du David Bowie CDer til salgs Jeg leter etter RCA tyske CDer, Ryko Golds og Ryko normale CDer. Vennligst la meg vite. BOWIE DVD TRADES WANTED Hei alle. Jeg leter etter en handel for Watch That Man DVD-settet. Jeg er ny for Bowie å samle, men har et par DVDer og har en stor katalog av Rolling Stones og Bob Dylan DVD'er tilgjengelig. Hvis noen kan snakke med meg, må jeg være veldig takknemlig. Er glad for å gjøre BP også hvis det passer. Send e-post Sean på: BOWIE LIST: RARE RECORDS AND MEMORABILIA Vennligst send meg en e-post for å motta en samlerliste over sjeldne pressingsrekorder i vinyl og memorabilia ting til salgs. Vennligst besøk min side for oppføringer. Ønsket Sør-Afrika PHILIPS ALBUM Vil betale med kontanter og organer hvis nødvendig. Vennligst send e-post til BOWIE TOUR PROGRAM 1973 Til salgs: David Bowie 1973 Aladdin Sane Tour program. Det er ganske bra, selv om det er åpenbart noe slitasje. Hvis du er interessert så er jeg åpen for tilbud. Email me at: JUST A GIGOLO DVD WANTED Im looking for a copy of Just A Gigolo on DVD specifically the 147 minute version. Thanks BOWIE CONCERT TAPES Hi I am looking for low gen cassette tapes of Bowie concerts, tradeselling lists can be sent to my email address - your list must have info about rating quality (sound) and which generation the tape is, and datevenues of shows. You can view my list here - thanks. RARE BOWIE ITEMS Rare and Discontinued. Old Vinyls, Imported Rarities - a large selection of David Bowie items available. Check out our online shop for items. RARE VINYL FOR SALE I have for sale from my own private collection the following rare Bowie vinyl: The Thin White Duke (Live New York 76) double album and Iggy Ziggy Live In Seatle. Both in good condition. I would sell both for pound60. I also have most of the Bowie albumssingles on vinyl on the RCA label which I would also sell as a collection if possible Please email WANTED: MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD RCA CDs I am looking for a copy of Bowies The Man Who Sold The World RCA CD US version (manufactured in Japan), with the item number PCD1-4816. The US version was also made in 1984 with the same black and white kick cover. If you have one for sale, I would be forever grateful to purchase it. Please e-mail at DAVID BOWIE TRADES Hundreds of Bowie items to trade: tickets, backstage passes, photographs, magazines, cuttings. Send me your lists or view my wantstrade page email: BOWIE CONCERTS Hi I am looking for Bowie concert traders on cdr or flac format in folders on dvd disc. View my list here - contact: LOOKING FOR SERIOUS MOONLIGHT Looking for David Bowie Serious Moonlight Tour Live on CD. If anyone has this I would be willing to pay a good price for this. If interested please email at WANTED: BOWIE RYKO CDs Dont mind if the CD comes in a green tray or black, but condition must be at least close to mintexcellent. Also should be the matte aluminium finish with the silver grey picture going all the way to the centre. The discs I want are as follows: Low, Lodger, Stage 2xcd, Scary Monsters. I will also consider any of the RykoSoundVision Samplers if you have them Pics would be a great help. Mail me at: WANTED: SHEET MUSIC amp SONGBOOKS David Bowie sheet music and songbooks wanted by long time collector. Desperately looking for Peace On EarthLittle Drummer Boy. If you have or need printed music to any David Bowie written or performed song please send details, including format (Piano Vocal Guitar, Off the Record, Guitar tab, Melody line and Chords). Please contact Lance Hoskins on 1980 FLOOR SHOW WANTED Wanted 1980 Floor Show records on vinyl or CD. Please contact WANTED: BOWIE RYKO CDs Im looking to buy all Bowie CDs on Ryko. Means: Space Oddity. TMWSTW, Hunky Dory, Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin, PinUps, Diamond Dogs, David Live, Young Americans, Station To Station, Low, quotHeroesquot, Stage, Scary Monsters, Ziggy Motion Picture and Changesbowie. I dont mind if they come in black tray or green tray jewel cases, if the liner has a cutout (prefer no drillhole in booklet, however), but the CDs themselves must be at least MINTY and they have to be the 1st. edition pressings (i. e. matte picture disc finish and aluminium layer that goes entirely to the centre-ring). No BMG or record club edition. Pfwew, how picky can you be Pics preferred. Please e-mail: WANTED: DAVID BOWIE Reality or Outside signed lithograph and Speed Of Life Genesis publications book. Please email BOWIE VINYL FOR SALE Please contact me at if you are interested in anything from the below list. (All Vinyl). Further items also for sale. Wembley Wizard Touches The Dial - Live at Wembley 070576. Subway - Recorded live during US tour 1974. J. R. Is Watching You - Live in Dallas 260483. Serious Business - Live in Munich 220583 - Double. Stardust From The 70s - Various dates from 71- 74. Dressmann and The Nippon Girl - Live in Osaka 301083. Bump and Grind. Keep on Live in Rotterdam 260683 Double - coloured vinyl (1 Orange, 1 Green). Fashions 10 x 7quot UK 1982. Rock Galaxy 2LP Germany 1981. Dont Be Fooled By The Name 10quot LP UK 1981. The Laughing Gnome 7quot single UK 1967. Space Oddity 7 single UK 1969. Stage 2LP (Yellow Vinyl) UK 1978. An Evening With David Bowie. LP USA 1978. Starman LP Russian 1989. Portrait of a Star LP Box France1982 Baktabak Interview Picture Disc. Unnamed Interview Picture Disc - Serious Moonlight picture. Lets Talk Interview Picture Disc. WANTED BOWIE and ENO Bowie and Eno - Its Time To Listen Vol.1 and 2 - Must be silver pressed CDs and not CD-Rs, please email me with your price at Thank you. TMWFTE ORIGINALS WANTED The Man Who Fell To Earth ORIGINAL collectablesmemorabilia wanted. Especially looking for the Danish film poster. If you can confirm item and price by emailing me on DAVID BOWIE CDs, SINGLES WANTED Im a new collector looking for bootleg CDs (no CD-Rs please) from Bowies Halloween Jack to The Thin White Duke period and also vinyl singles from his whole musical career to buy only. Contact me at: RARE COLLECTABLES eil outlet (part of Esprit International Limited) are the world leader in rare CDs, vinyl and music memorabilia. Visit our online shop now. TAO JONES INDEX - 5 COPIES FOR SALE I have 5 mint never played 12 inch vinyl records of Tao Jones Index available. If you are interested please email me: 1983 US FESTIVAL I have a video of BOWIE exiting the stage during an MTV MUSIC interview from the 1983 US FESTIVAL in SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA. Do you have the audio or video of this show I would like to find this and trade some other rare BOWIE items I have. Ryan DAVID BOWIE TICKET I have one original ticket to a David Bowie concert at Sydney Showground from Saturday 25th November, 1978. Offers please. Email LOOKING FOR BOWIE TRADERS I have about 3,000 Bowie bootlegs and CDRs to trade. Have a look at my list - Im always looking for new Bowie audio, so if you wish you can mail me you trading lists at: CD-RsDVDsBOOKS FOR TRADE More than 1000 different CD-R titles by Bowie for trade. Also DVDs and official stuff for trade. Especially looking for official vinyl, LPs and singles, I do not have. Contact me at: BOWIE BOOK FOR SALE I have a mint condition, signed copy of Moonage Daydream for sale, number 2,480 of 2,500 copies. Price pound475. If you are interested, please email: WANTED: BOWIE BADGES Serious Bowie badge collector wanting to add to collection. Large Anabas 1973 - badges - keyrings - necklaces. A red Lets Dance enamel badge and the George Underwood box set of 5 Ziggy badges. Always interested in other Bowie badges. Please email me at: BOWIE ON VINYL FOR SALE More than 100 rare vinyl recordings for sale. For a complete list email Im willing to buy or trade. Thank you FOR SALE: BOWIE VINYL Hi everyone, Im trying to sell Rock and Roll Suicide picture disc 40th anniversary 7quot, John Im Only Dancing picture disc 40th anniversary 7quot and Hunky Dory the album 12quot, anyone interested email me on WANTED BOWIE DVDVIDEO Story of Ziggy Stardust, Genius of David Bowie (BBC4 2012) on DVD. South of Watford 1983 Documentry on DVD or Video. Mick Ronson 1974 Concerts, any tapes or info regarding running order of tracks Can anyone help Also wanted DVD Russell Harty 1974. Luv Ice Cream advert. Cher Show 1975 and Soul Train. Mott The Hoople Live Philadelphia 29.11.72 on CD or tape. Please email - thank you. BOWIE COLLECTION OF BOOTLEG CD-Rs FOR SALE Do you want that one concert New to trading I may have the answer. Due to moving house and downsizing I am having to get rid of my collection of bootleg CDs. If anyone would like to pick up a concert or session e-mail me in the first instance and I will send them my list of CDs, which cover The Trident sessions 1972 up to the Glasgow, Dublin, Nice etc shows from the Reality Tour. E-mail me at: Will post to anywhere in the world. Proof of postage always obtained. BOWIE VIDEOS, CDRs and VCDs FOR TRADE I have a lot of Bowie videos (from all decades), CDRs and now also some VCDs for trade, (and also tons of photos from 1999-2002, which I took myself). If youd like to see my list, please email me at and Ill be happy to send them to you BOWIE FOR SALEEXCHANGE Huge list of DAVID BOWIE vinyl and rare memorabilia for saleexchange. Email me at and Ill get right back to you. BOWIE CDs WANTED Live DVD and Bootlegs cd from Reality Tour 2003-2004. Want these items. Not trading. Only for my personal collection. Please send your lists on email if possible to BOWIE BEST MAGAZINES FOR SALE I have a large collection of French Rock revues for sale. First, its the French BEST magazine with David Bowie, interviews, articles, pictures and posters. If you are interested please contact Thierry BOWIE SHIRTS WANTED Im looking to buy original David Bowie promo or concert shirts from 1974 and older. Please contact me at SEARCHING FOR OUTSIDE Searching for 1995 U. S. Outside Tour Memorabilia: Satin Tour Passes. Need most dates Ticket Stubs. U. S. Outside Tour ItineraryItineraries. Show Posters. Handbills. Serious collector willing to pay serious prices. M. O.s or PayPal can be sent right away if you have something I need. Please email Aaron BOWIE BOOK FOR SALE Due to finances I reluctantly have to sell my autographed David Bowie book From Station to Station by Genesis Publications. It is in mint condition, only took it out of the box once. Offers in excess of pound500. Please email me at BOWIE VINYL FOR SALE David Bowie Vinyl For Sale: Lifetimes The Singles. Set of 20 never played. Please contact me on: CONCERT TICKETS BOWIETIN MACHINE Have over 100 spare ticket (stubs) to trade from 1974-1997. Would anybody would like to trade Please contact LOOKING FOR BOWIE CDR TRADERS Looking for Bowie CDR traders worldwide. Your list gets ours. DampS (Boston, Mass.). Please email DAVID BOWIE COLLECTION FOR SALE Bootleg CDs, Japan CDs, Tin Machine Japan CDs, Single CDs, Clippings, Magazines, Prints, Vinyls, Picture Dics, etc. Including the SO-O RARE The Man Who Fell to Earth 1976 ORIGINAL lobby cards-stills. Also the super rare Moonage Daydream Signed Book from Genesis Publications. Ny. Check out the items: bowie-shop. livejournal - E-mail me with any questions BOWIE VIDEO COLLECTION FOR SALE I am selling my entire video collection of Bowie stuff. The collection is probably 30 VHS tapes, not including the official releases. Most everything is in excellent to pretty good condition. If you want to know about something specific, just ask. I will include some documentation with the tapes that lists what is on what tape, how long, and what condition it is in. All tapes are NTSC. Anyone interested in purchasing this collection, please contact me for listing at - shipping should only be around 10-15 since I can ship it media mail. BOWIE RARITY TO SELL I have a sealed copy of David Bowie 1993 privately distributed All Saints selected instrumentals CD. One of only 150 pressings. Make me an offer. BOWIE TAPES AND CDS WANTED David Bowie tapes or CDs from 1978 wanted. Please email WANTED WANTED WANTED I am looking for the CDs listed below. I would prefer the original silver pressed CDs where applicable and the original quotsemi proquot CD-R issues of those items which were never put on on silver pressed CD. I am NOT looking for any homemade CD-R repros though. 1976 Tour: Dont Touch That Dial 5-7-76 Live In Hamburg 4-11-76 (2-CD) European Cannon 2-23-76 (2-CD) Wish Upon A Star 2-9-76 BowieIggy 1977 Tour: Sister Midnight 3-21-77 Liquor Drugs 3-28-77 Tin Machine: Now Bradford 7-2-89 (2-CD) Tin Machine Is Coming Down 11-20-91 (2-CD) Requiem To The Memory 11-29-91 (2-CD) 1990 Tour: Tour 1990 5-1516-90 (4-CD) All Time Model 8-5-90 (2-CD) 1997 Tour: 20th Century Boy 9-9-97 afternoon radio studio I Left My Heart In S. F. 9-9-97 evening concert (2-CD) Bowie At The Bush 8-1112-97 (4-CD) All items should include all original graphics and should be in VG or better condition (discs and artwork). If you have any of these items for sale please email with total cost, including shipping, to the USA. Thanks Nikki. LOOKING FOR DVDCDR TRADES Have lots to trade, especially looking for 3 DVDs. JapanTokyoJones Beach 2004. loaned my copies out and have lost them. Also looking for a few 2004 CDRs. Any trades welcome. Thanks please email DAVID BOWIE LINO-CUT PRINT Limited supply. David Bowie Lino-cut artwork A3 repro print, originally advertised for sale via Starzone fanzine back in 1984. Heidelberg KOR Lithographic print on gloss art paper, A3 size (29.7 x 42.0 cm) (11.69 x 16.53 in). Printed by Norbury Lockwood amp Co. Ltd, Manchester. The David Bowie original piece was exhibited at the New Expressionist Movement exhibition in Berlin on 23rd-25th March 1983. It is currently on display in the David Bowie Is exhibition. Exclusive price of only pound15 each plus PampP to visitors and friends of this website. All monies raised go directly towards the running costs of bowiewonderworld Please contact me at for more details. BOWIE CDs WANTED Hi guys, Im looking for any Bowie bootlegs or concerts on CDs. must be factory pressings. and good condition. Im paying good money and looking for anything decent on CD. Please call for quick response. Lloyd on 07758 936193 ASAP. BOWIE IGGY SWOPS I have lots of David Bowie and Iggy Pop recordings, would love to do some swaps. Also I am desperately trying to get a needle drop of the Low sampler if anyone can help me with a CD-R of it please email me at WANTED hours. LENTICULAR David Bowie hours. 1999 UK promotional-only 20quot x 20quot lenticular display - does not need to be signed. Please contact BOWIE FOR SALE Reality CD limited (silver cover) with DVD of Riverside Show and bonus Waterloo Sunset. Loving The Alien Picture Disc 12 Inch. Excellent condition and good price. Email me at WANTED: SERIOUS MOONDLIGHT CD I am looking for a Serious Moonlight CD - Serious Pig - Montreal 83 hiding in their collection that is looking for a new home If anyone can help me with my quest, please email I am very happy to trade or buy. Please let know the price you are requesting. Thank you so much RARE AND COLLECTABLE BOWIE Rare and Collectable Vinyl Records, CDs and Memorabilia from Vinyl Tap Mail Order Music. We are a UK based online mail order record shop. We specialise in rare, deleted and promo items. We have an extensive stock of 7quot singles (45s), CDs, LPs, 12quot singles, videos, posters, limited editions, picture discs, imports, t-shirts and memorabilia. We ship all of our items worldwide. Vinyl Tap Music is currently the largest UK music retailer on eBay UK and a Trusted Platinum Powerseller. Shop with confidence with our 100 satisfaction guarantee. Please visit our online shop to see whats available. DAVID BOWIE PHOTO FOR SALE I have an original black and white close up of David Bowie on the Trans Siberian Express taken by Leee Childers. Please contact DAVID BOWIE VINYL REISSUES WANTED Wanted David Bowie EMI and Ryko vinyl reissues. Please contact me at for more details. DAVID BOWIE ITEMS FOR SALE MOONAGE DAYDREAM Collector Edition Book. Signed by: David Bowie, Mick Rock. BRAND NEW CONDITION. STILL IN ITS ORIGINAL (SUPERIOR) GENESIS FACTORY PACKAGING, as I received. THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH LOBBY CARDS 8 different HUGE Promo Lobby Cards. ALL ORIGINAL. From Argentina 1976. Measures: 26 x 35 cm. (approx. 10x 14 inch). Send me a message for info at LOOKING FOR SIGNED LOW OR ZIGGY I am looking for a signed copy of the Low or Ziggy Album. If you have one for sale please email me at thanks WANTED DAVID BOWIE LIVE VINYL I am a collector of Bowie unofficial live vinyl and will consider buying everything from single items to complete collections. If you want a hassle free sale at a reasonable price then please contact me at BOWIE BOOK STILL SEALED I have sale a Tour book still sealed. Serious Moonlight Tour: 1983. Please contact FOR SALE Boxed, signed and numbered (1699 of 2500) Moonage Daydream: The Life and Times of Ziggy Stardust Leather Bound Special Edition by Genesis Publications. Your chance to own (as David Bowie himself said) quotThis book of extraordinary photographs. Ziggy Stardust blazed briefly but intensely, and I am delighted to see his life and times as a rock n roll star immortalised in this beautiful limited edition. quot I am based in London and can despatch this treasured item worldwide. I have only one copy of this beautiful work of art that has 659 images of Ziggy across 346 pages and an essay on the origins of Ziggy, by David himself, in this leather bound and boxed collectors item from 2002. quotSimply beautifulquot Elle Magazine. quotThe last word on the subject of Ziggy Stardust. few books are this lovingly produced. Genesis Publications, the leading practitioners of craftsmen-produced coffee-table extravaganzas. quot GQ, June 2003. Book is in A1 condition, minor skuff on external box (Silver Ziggy Pattern). Photos or viewing available. Email reasonable offers to for a list and further information. BOWIE (GERMAN) CDs FOR SALE GERMAN (MINT) RCA CDs FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRICES:- LOW - PD83856 STATION TO STATION - PD81327 LODGER - PD84234 ALADDIN SANE - PD83890. Please contact John J. SHEET MUSIC - OFF THE RECORD - ALADDIN SANE Im looking for the Aladdin Sane songbook in the collection Off The Record. I would like to exchange a copy of Hunky Dory and Ziggy Stardust Songbook (all in Off The Record series) against these scores (especially for Aladdin Sane, Time and Lady Grinning Soul). Takk. D. J. GREEN VINYL 7 INCH Dear Bowie fans, I am looking for a copy of this and wonder if anybody has it for sale Please email me many thanks. U. S. BOWIE CASSETTES WANTED (NOT BOOTLEGS) Im looking for the following U. S. made cassette tapes all on 1985 EMI America cassette by BOWIE, Carnes, Easton, Jellybean, Kaja, Limahl and Talk Talk. Dance Mix catalog 4XT-17170, A Non-Stop Music Mix ST-17170, Endless Dance Mix also 4XT-17170, and Dance also cat. 4XT-17170. The way to tell that they are U. S. tapes is it is a white or beige colored cassette tape with a lot of writing in one corner and on the back of tape cover has a turquoise colored barcode with 7777-17170-4. Im looking to get these tapes on U. S. tapes only meaning I only want to buy from people in the U. S. or shipping gets spendy. Im willing to pay with a postal money order for I dont have Paypal and it may be a problem. Im willing to spend up to a limit of 20 for 1 tape plus shipping and insurance and less if the tape has something wrong with it. Please contact me, Kristi Carr if you believe youve got one to sell. My email is thanks a bunch, Kristi. MOONAGE DAYDREAM DELUXE BOX I am looking for a replacement bottom half of the box which the above book came in. The box is covered with a reproduction of the cream and black checked material that one of David Bowies costumes was made from. The bottom half of my box has become damaged. Does anyone have a spare or a box they dont need any more Please contact me at RARE BOWIE POSTER I have for sale a rare Bowie poster from one of the Odeon Cinemas that the live Bowie show from the Riverside Theatre in 2003 to showcase the Reality album was broadcast to. Its a stunning poster that is still rolled up and in mint condition. It measures approx. 48quot x 36quot. I am open to offers. Please email me many thanks. WANTED RARE BOWIE SONGS (NON-OFFICIAL) ON CDR Hi, am interested in ALL rare Songs, esp the EARLY stuff, please email me your list, prices, quality, etc. thanks John J. many thanks. FOR SALE: SIGNED DAVID BOWIE VampA BOOK David Bowie Is signed copy of the VampA special limited edition book. My copy is number 285 that has been signed by Bowie. I am asking pound750 GBP for it. If you are interested please email me at many thanks. BOWIE CANVAS OIL ARTS Limited edition art canvas prints, unique arts of this legend of art himself, all by M. J. Lee. Check out my David Bowie work - contact me at VARIOUS BOWIE DVDs FOR SALE Very good copies of the following bootlegs of David Bowie for sale. A Reality tour: Madison Square Gardens Dec 2003. SoundVision tour: Tokyo May 1990. Loreley Festival June 1996. Vancouver rehearsals 1976. Golden Years (eg, Musikladen 1978, Soul Train 1975, Dick Cavett Show 1974, plus much more). Email me at BOWIE ITEMS FOR SALE I have the following Bowie items for sale - or will sell as complete collection to the highest bidder. bull Early David bowie autograph on bw picture says to you, love David. bull Fan club magazine issue 1 in near mint condition (just been folded). bull Record Mirror Special Edition David Bowie magazine 1972 with free poster - taped along seam but all pages intact and poster still inside, good condition all round. bull Fan Club Christmas Card which says Have a cool Yule inside. bull Various bw early Bowie photos from fan club mail. bull Personal fan club letter off secretary. If youre a David Bowie fan you know my collection is very rare to find these days, please email any questions and I can send pictures to show collection. Please email me at DAVID BOWIE STORY BBC 6CDs WANTED David Bowie Story BBC (6 CDs) Wanted. Will pay good price. Contact LOOKING FOR DAVID BOWIE CDs I can offer you almost everything. CDs, Boxes, Boots. Name it. Mail me your want list and I will make you an offer. Please email SCARY MONSTERS I have a framed set of artwork number: 71150 for sale. please contact me at BOWIE COLLECTION FOR SALE I have for sale my complete Bowie record, CD, book and general memorabilia collection. I have hundreds of items ranging from TMWSTW drag cover and the stereo vinyl LP of his first solo album to rare books and programs and rare magazines (all covered up in protective sleeves) too. I have used and unused concert tickets, unworn clothing, rare unseen photos from the 1974 tour. I have many bootlegs on vinyl as well as on CD. Ideally I am looking for a job lot sale for a sensible and serious price. If youre interested please contact me at please contact me at BOWIE COLLECTION FOR SALE I am offering my Bowie collection up for sale. It includes many vinyls (7quot, 12quot, LPs) including a lovely high quality replica of the German round cover of The Man Who Sold The World, magazines, books, videos, DVDs and CDs. For more information and a copy of the list, please contact Martin at WANTED TO BUY: DELUXE GENESIS BOOK Want To Buy: Deluxe Edition Genesis Publications Moonage Daydream. This is the version that is fully leather bound, with one of editions 1-350. I will be happy to pay a reasonable account according to the current valuation of the book. Please e-mail me at Thank you WANTED JUST A GIGOLO Im looking for the film Just A Gigolo on DVD. I would need it in NTCS version or Region 1 format since I live in the States. If you could convert it from PAL into NTCS that would be lovely. Please email me at DAVID BOWIE CDs WANTED David Bowie - Birmingham NEC 20th November 2003 2 CDs and Bowie Bootleg Concert CDS. I am not trading, they are for my personal collection. Please send your lists via email to UNIQUE DAVID BOWIE BLACK BOOK As I am a book-binder and a David Bowie fan I rebound my copy of David Bowie Black Book (soft cover) in 1987. There is only one like it in the world. I rebound it in an abstract Aladdin Sane design. Overlaid red sheep leather on black cow leather with a thin hand-tooled blue line. All this is overlaid and hand pressed onto circular ropes with gold tooling (front and back). Spine has gold hand-tooled lettering and hand sewn headbands in blue and red. Super strong binding. Printed pages are held in the cover with top quality end papers with inside front and back covers have traditionally handmade blue and red swirly marble design. I kept the original soft cover and design samples when I was doing the rebinding (which I can include if the buyer chooses) - leather templates, hand tooling designs etc. Only seriously interested collectors need to contact me. As there might be copies of DBBB available new and used there is only ONE bound like this, unique I can forward photos by request. Email: BOWIE FOR SALE I have a large collection of Bowie items for sale including factory pressed bootleg CDs, bootleg vinyl, original RCA CDs, original tour books, 7quot singles, LPs the STATIONTOSTATION 2009 deluxe box set along with other items. Please email for a list and further information. BOWIE PHILIPS LABEL WANTED Wanted 1969 Space Oddity on Philips label or American version titled David Bowie. Please contact TWO BOWIE CDs WANTED Hi guys can you help Im trying to get hold of two Bowie CDs 7 Months in America and My Death. Cash paid. Contact BOWIE PROMO DISPLAYS I am selling some of my Bowie collectibles. Earthling 1.Outside and Heathen Please contact me if interested. Email Johan 2 UNUSED BOWIE TICKETS FROM 83 I have two unsused tickets to BERLIN June 20th 1983 Serious Moonlight Tour for sale. Live in Copenhagen and Never Got There. Email for offer and picture of items. SUNDAY TIMES MAGAZINE: BOWIE I have for sale a copy of The Sunday Times magazine from July 20th 1975 featuring David Bowie on the front cover, The New Face of David Bowie. Inside there is a several page article and more photos including a double page photo The Bowie Odyssey. The mag is in really good condition with no rips or tears. Please contact me on: BOWIE CDs FOR SALE I have two silver live orginal CD (not copy) to sell. Two double CDs. The first one called On Broadway. This is the complete show that he made in Roseland Ballroom Theatre in New York the 1106.02 (Heathen and Low play in entirity plus encores). The second one (double cd too) called Cold Station and its his performance from the 19 June 2002 in Manchester. Please send me a mail to: to make an offer and to have any information (scan, tracklisting, quality, etc) Best regards. BOWIE ITEMS FOR AUCTION Rare and hard-to-find David Bowie releases available via auction. Check them all out here on eBay WANTED: RECORD MIRROR SPECIAL 1972 Im looking for: DAVID BOWIE: A RECORD MIRROR SPECIAL 1972. Please email me at WANTED: LIVE and STUDIO TAPES TAPES ONLY Please send list to DAVID BOWIE: MUSICAL STORYLAND DAVID BOWIE Musical Storyland Illustrated Lyric Book with CD. I have for sale several brand new copies of MUSICAL STORYLAND: A Sing-Along Book with Musical Disc (CD) by David Bowie (lyrics) and Jamilla Naji (illustrator and author). Ultra-rare, out of print, and highly collectible. This beautiful volume is designed like a hardcover childrens book and features the lyrics of ten David Bowie songs from his early days, complemented by original and whimsical full-color illustrations by Jamilla Naji. It includes a factory-pressed 25-minute CD featuring original recordings of these same ten songs written and performed by Bowie. The featured songs and lyrics include Uncle Arthur, Rubber Band, There Is A Happy Land, Sell Me A Coat, Come And Buy My Toys, Maid Of Bond Street, Love You Til Tuesday, When I Live My Dream and Ching-a-Ling. This book, originally published in 2004, is packed with mysterious and sometimes zany characters that mesmerize all audiences. Although this book is designed for children aged four and up, adults will also find themselves captivated by the incredible themes, catchy tunes and exceptional artwork. For BowieWonderworld readers, special price per copy is 40.00. Shipping is 7 within the United States and 28.00 to other countries. Write me for prices if you want to purchase and ship multiple copies to one address, as you can save money on shipping discounts. I also will ship huge quantities at bigger discounts to bookstores, music stores, etc. so please inquire. (This bookCD has not previously been made widely available outside of the United States). I accept PayPal as payment at (designated as quotgiftquot so there wont be any fees to pay) or you can write me at the same email address with any questions. Prisene kan endres uten varsel. Takk skal du ha. ZIGGY AT THE RAINBOW POSTER Collectors: I have a original Ziggy at the Rainbow poster from 72. I wanna sell it to someone wholl appreciate it. THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH POSTER The Man Who Fell To Earth original film poster from 1976 in VERY GOOD condition. One crease near his name, but never folded. The poster has been in an archival quality frame for 15 years and not mounted. Will ship anywhere. Please email for further information. GLASS SPIDER TOUR BOOK I have a Glass Spider tour book along with the dance choreography sheet music, lyrics, this is the real deal, my friend was his sound man, as well as modern English. For sale to the highest bidder. Please email TONIGHT MASTER STUDIO TAPE FOR SALE We are selling nice piece of real memorabilia here An original studio master production stereo tape of Tonight - David Bowie album made in EMI Studios UK Abbey Road. This tape was sent from UK to Zagreb, Croatia in the 70s to licensing record company Jugoton - and they pressed that album in their record company using this tape as a master source. It has original EMI label sticker on the cover - with all info about the tape - please look at the photos view 1 and view 2 . As far as I know, all UK and other master tapes were written off in the early 90s when Jugoton lost the licensing rights and sold the record pressing plant. I was lucky enough to purchase this tape from the former engineer of Jugoton recording studio. I guess EMI made only few master tapes of each album for licensing partners around the world. This I sell as a memorabilia item. Compositions and performances on the tape are copyrighted by the artist, labels and publishers - so I am selling this only for its memorabilia value. The tape is working fine and great and if you would like to hear this, you can arrange a visit prior the purchase, and listen from our Ampex studio tape deck. If you have any questions - please ask. I will accept bids starting from 5,000 US dollars. Please email Darko Mikulec BOWIE ITEMS FOR SALE bull 1980 Floor Show: Dollars in Drag bootleg LP 1974 - New and in original seal. bull The Vintage David Bowie sheet music and photo book - 1st edition, 1973. bull Mike Garson, Conversations with My Family CD, AUTOGRAPHED 63 of 500, limited edition. bull Musical Storyland autographed by the illustrator, and in mint condition. bull Special Issues of Mojo magazine dedicated to Bowie in recognition of 50th (January 1997) and 60th (January 2007) birthdays and Record Collector magazine David Bowie at 60. Email for details ENTIRE DAVID BOWIE COLLECTION FOR SALE Entire collection of Bowie for sale, including: Vinyl, VHS, Tapes, CDs, Bootlegs, T-Shirts, Concert Tickets, Concert Posters, Magazines etc. Please email BOWIE FOR SALE For Sale: original picture vinyl of David Bowie and Bing Crosbys Drummer Boy sung on Crosbys 1977 Christmas Special. Comes in original sleeve. Played once. Mint condition. Will pay shipping. Email offers to: WANTED: DAVID BOWIE CDs Looking for RCA versions that are brand new and still sealed in their original CD Longboxes. Only looking for the following titles: Young Americans, Station To Station, ChangesOneBowie, and Fame and Fashion. Please email me at BOWIE FOR SALE I often have a variety of rare, unusual and unofficial Bowie CDs, vinyl, collectables and early music papers plus Hamatsukilan box sets. Contact Paul Grimshaw MASSIVE BOWIE COLLECTION FOR SALE Im very sad to have to sell off my David Bowie collection. It would be impossible for me to my go through my whole collection and price each item, there is so much. You will know what I mean when you see my lists below. I am really wanting people to put in offers for whatever they are interested in and take things from there. I can send more details or scans of any interested items. Please right click links below (save target as) to download lists: Please email Alan: BOWIE BOOTS FOR SALE Bowie bootleg and rarities CD collection for sale. Large collection of factory pressed Bowie CDs available. 200 CDs, from early demos to Reality Tour. Every tour covered. Digi packs, mad stuff. E-Mail your wants, if we can help. WANTED: GOLDEN YEARS 24k GOLD COLLECTION All 8 Rykodisc Gold Audiophile CDs in the AU20 Series. Original Box Set or Separate Discs. Please contact Mike with details and asking price at: or LOOKING FOR. Im looking for original pressed bootleg CDs from the 1974 and 1976 tours like: Wish Upon A Star, Cocaine Adds Life, Infected With Soul Love, NeoExpressionism, etc. I only want the original bootlegs, NO CD-Rs Condition must be good. I do have the following titles: Strange Fascination (2cd), 1974 (2cd) and Vancouver Rehearsals. All other ones are more then welcome. Please contact WANTED: BOWIETIN MACHINE TICKETS Bowie tickets from around the world trade or buy. Originals only from the Sixties to present. All tours especially from the Far East and South America. Loads to trade. View my wantstrade page email lists to: WANTED: BOWIE CDs I am looking for the CDs listed below. I would prefer the original silver pressed CDs where applicable and the original semi pro CD-R issues of those items which were never put on on silver pressed CD. I am NOT looking for any homemade CD-R repros though. 1976 Tour: Dont Touch That Dial 5-7-76. Live In Hamburg 4-11-76 (2-CD). European Cannon 2-23-76 (2-CD). Wish Upon A Star 2-9-76. All items should include all original graphics and should be in VG or better condition (discs and artwork). If you have any of these items for sale please email me back with total cost, including shipping, to the USA. Thanks Jules. Please email: WHITE LABEL BOWIE BOOTLEG I am selling a white label David Bowie bootleg double album. Side 1: Ziggy Stardust (BBC Radio 1972) Waiting For My Man (BBC Radio 1972) Supermen (BBC Radio 1972) Queen Bitch (BBC Radio 1972) Suffragette City (BBC Radio 1972) Side 2: White LightWhite Heat (BBC Radio 1972) Hang On To Yourself (BBC Radio 1972) Hang On To Yourself (Live Long Beach 1973) Moonage Daydream (Live Long Beach) Watch That Man (Live Long Beach) Side 3: Interview (Bill Huie) Ching a Ling (1969) Supermen (Studio 1972) Waiting For My Man (Peel Session 1972) Side 4: Width of a Circle (Peel Session 1972) White Lightwhite Heat (Peel Session 1972) Suffragette City (Peel Session 1972) Moonage Daydream (Peel Session 1972) David Bowie (Vocal Guitar Saxophone) Mick Ronson (Vocal Guitar Piano) Trevor Bolder (Bass) Woody Woodmansey (Drums) David Bowie (Guitar Vocal) Hermione Farthingale (Guitar Vocal) John Hutchingson (Guitar Vocal). Please contact me at RARE 1974 BOWIE PHOTOS AVAILABLE Over ONE HUNDRED rare David Bowie photographs taken by Sunset Strip photographer MARVIN RINNIG from the Universal Ampitheatre, Los Angeles in September 1974. Limited edition 10x8 prints for an amazing 5.99 each There are also larger prints available: 11x4 8.99 and 13x9 11.99. Theres even an extra two special offers available - Buy any 5 and get the 6th FREE. or Buy any 10 and get 3 more FREE of charge Visit musikfoto and check out the amazing rare vintage photographs available. BOWIE VINYL FOR SALE I want to sell the vinyl-part of my Bowie collection. The collection contains Promo-Records, Radio Shows, Test Pressings etc. from over 30 countries. Please have a look at the enclosed list and the pictures which should give you an impression of the collection. The prices are a basis for discussion. If youre interested, please view my detailed list. Please email BOWIE PHOTOGRAPHS FOR SALE Never-before-seen David Bowie 1974 live show photographs shot by Lawrence Kirsch at the opening show of The Year Of The Diamond Dogs Tour at the Montreal Forum, Montreal, Canada on 14th June 1974. These 1974 photos, plus an extensive collection from the following David Bowie tours are available for purchase as fine art prints, and commercial and editorial use upon request: 1974, 1976, 1978, 1983, 1987, 1990 and 2003. Please visit Musicfoto for contact information. WANTED: BOWIE RCA CDs Any David Bowie RCA CDs. Top prices paid. I am a private collector. Please email DAVID BOWIE CDRs TO BUY David Bowie CDRs to buy or possibly trade. Looking for live or studio stuff from most years. Prefer to trade within U. K. Please email me at - thanks. BOWIE RECORDS FOR SALE Rare Bowie records for sale. All in ex to mint condition. All 7 inch and LP records before 1975. Most Japanese. Email me for list: WANTED: BOWIE LIVE Lost most of my Bowie collection as I have been travelling overseas since 1998. Have eventually settled down in the Turks and Caicos Islands and finally have the money to restore my collection. I am really interested in any live performances on cassette, CD, DVD and vinyl. If you able to help please email to: or WANTED: BOWIEBOLAN MATERIAL Im a big Bowie and Bolan fan and I am looking for any material directly related to either or BOTH. In particular: posters, videos, etc. Will pay your price on any items of interest, as long as it actually gets to me (in London) quickly and with no hassle. Will pay extra for quick postage. Please email me at - all enquiries welcome. RARE BOWIE LPs FROM 1978 Promo LP - RCA and Superstar Radio Network presents - An Evening with David Bowie. A 46 minute interview with David Bowie from 1978 - 25.00. Promo LP - Star bw What in the WorldBreaking Glass David Bowie 1978 Solid white unplayed - 40.00. Promo LP - Now - David Bowie 1978 1). V-2 Schneider, Always Crashing in the Same Car, Sons of the Silent Age, Breaking Glass, Neukoln 2) Speed of Life, Joe the Lion, What in the World, Blackout, Weeping Wall and the Secret Life of Arabia - 40.00. Email Carina at WANTED: DB TOUR LAMINATES David Bowie tour laminates wanted. All tours. Will buy or trade. Good prices paid. Email: WANTED: OFF THE RECORD and SHEET MUSIC Im looking for some Bowie sheet music songbooks, especially the series of Off the Record album transcripts. (Note: I have Hunky Dory and Space Oddity already - I believe other Off the Record books exist for the first LP, The Man Who Sold The World, Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane and PinUps). Also of particular value would be songbooks for the Young Americans and quotHeroesquot albums. I am working on a book on Bowies songs, and these materials would be of great help to the project. Id be happy with PDFs or physical copies of these also. Please contact: PHILLY SOUL BOOTS WANTED I am looking to buy CDs from the 74 Philly Soul Tour. I will accept any boots from the era but I would especially love Infected with Soul Love and 1974. Name your own price or ask for an offer. Contact WANTED: ALADDIN SANE RCA W. GERMAN CD Hi Bowie fans, I am by no means a Bowie collector, but do have all his music and almost the entire run of RCA CDs with the exception of Aladdin Sane. Does anybody have a copy I could buytrade please I dont own a lot of Bowie memorabilia unfortunately, but do have copies of the recent Ziggy Stardust Story and Bowie at the BBC on DVD if anybody is interested Thanks for reading my message Trevor, London UK. DB CONCERT TICKETS David Bowie concert ticket stubs wanted. All tours. Will buy or trade. Good prices paid. Email: LOOKING FOR BOWIE Looking for David Bowie bootlegs. Email me for my list. Contact WANTED: DANA GILLESPIE Im looking for all sorts of memorabilia featuring Dana Gillespie. Also looking for rare releases. Among them are the following: Andy Warhol 7 Picture Sleeve, 1974 Japan RCA SS-(. ) and Werent Born A Man (with OBI) LP, Stock or Promo, 1974 Japan RCA (. ). Can someone help me. contact Frode at REALITY CDRs FROM 2004 Good quality Bowie Reality CDRs from 2004 shows at: Minneapolis and Chicago (All three nights from Chicago). Please contact me at: Im willing to buy or trade. Thank you DAVID BOWIE MAGAZINES FOR SALE I have a selection of French rock magazines about David Bowie available. Please email me for list BOWIE CDs TO SELL I have a collection of David Bowie CDs to sell. They are all silvers, on labels including STTP, Rattlesnake, Main Stream, Switch On, Kiss The Stone, and many more. There are live shows, demos and outtakes ranging from 1967 to 2003. Single CDs are pound25.00, doubles are pound40.00 and triples are pound60.00, I will do discounts for two or more titles, all CDs are sent on recorded delivery postage, there is no postage to pay regardless of how many titles you have and I accept cash (in any currency), cheques (UK bank only) and PayPal. If you would like a list email me on and I will send you a list. RARE BOWIE DVD FOOTAGE FOR TRADE I have a great collection of very rare David Bowie footage on DVD, VCD and VHS which I would like to trade. Some of the compilations are very rare as they have been made by myself and have not been reproduced. To take a look at my rare footage just visit my website or for more info please email me at: NEW BOWIE TRADER Hello I am a new trader and Im a huge Bowie fan, but I have nothing of his in my collection. So I was hoping to find some kind traders to help me seek them out. I really do hope I get some help finding a few, because in other places I have had no luck at all. Here is what Im looking for: David Bowie 50th Birthday Bash, Earthling TV, The Earthling Chronicles, Telling Stories, 20th Century Boy (Live With Placebo), After Hours, AE Live By Request. Any kind person nice enough to help me I have a little to trade and I could send a list Email me at - thank you for your time, Steven. Please mention BowieWonderworld when replying to any of these advertisements. DAVID BOWIE RECORDS FOR SALE All prices in English pounds David Bowie Space Oddity (LSP4813) Orig LP EXEX 10.00 David Bowie The World Of David Bowie (SPA58) Orig LP GVG 6.00 David Bowie Pin-Ups (RS1003) Orig LP EXEX 10.00 David Bowie David Live (APL20771) Orig Live Double Album EXEX 13.00 David Bowie Station To Station (APLI1327) Orig LP EXEX 8.00 David Bowie Young Americans (RS1006) Orig LP EXEX 8.00 David Bowie ChangesOne (RS1055) Orig LP EXEX 8.00 David Bowie Peter And The Wolf (RL12743) Orig LP EXEX 10.00 David Bowie Starting Point (LC50007) Orig USA LP MM 12.00 David Bowie Heroes (PL12522) Original Italian LP EXEX 10.00 David Bowie An Evening With brvbar (DJL13016) Orig USA White Label Promo Rare EXM 30.00 David Bowie Lodger (BOWLP1) Orig Gatefold LP EXEX 10.00 David Bowie Scary Monsters (BOWLP2) Orig LP EXEX 10.00 David Bowie Another Face (TAB17) Orig LP MM 9.00 David Bowie A Second Face (TAB71) Orig LP EXEX 8.00 David Bowie Dont Be F ooled By The Name (DOW1) Orig 10quot MM 10.00 David Bowie Golden Years (BOWLP4) Original Italian LP VGEX 10.00 David Bowie Rare (PL45406) Original LP MM 10.00 David Bowie John, Im Only Dancing (Again) (BOW124) Orig 12quot EXEX 6.00 David Bowie Live In Santa Monica 1972 Orig cassette EXEX 10.00 David Bowie The Laughing Gnome (DM123) Orig 7quot Co SleeveVG 6.00 David Bowie Space Oddity (310834) Orig Spanish 7quot EXEX 15.00 David Bowie Do Anything You Say (7NX8002) Orig 7quot Blue Label EP - VG 10.00 David Bowie Starman (RCA2199) Orig 7quot - VG 2.00 David Bowie Drive-In Saturday (RCA2352) Orig 7quot - VG 3.00 David Bowie Knock On Wood (RCA2466) Orig 7quot - EX 4.00 David Bowie Space Oddity (RCA2593) Orig 7quot 3 Track Special Co SleeveEX 5.00 David Bowie TVC15 (RCA2682) Orig 7quot - VG 2.50 David Bowie Boys Keep Swinging (BOW2) Orig 7quot VGEX 4.00 David Bowie DJ (BOW3) Orig 7quot VGEX 4.00 David Bowie Alabama Song (BOW5) Orig 7quot Poster Sleeve EXEX 5.00 David Bowie Ashes to Ashes (BOW6) Orig 7quot 2 Different covers EXEX 6.00 David Bowie Fashion (BOW7) Orig 7quot EXEX 4.00 David Bowie Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps ) (BOW8) Orig 7quot EXEX 4.00 David Bowie Up The Hill Backwards (BOW9) Orig 7quot EXEX 4.00 David Bowie Wild Is The Wind (BOW10) Orig 7quot VGEX 4.00 David Bowie in Bertolt Brechts Baal (BOW11) Orig Gatefold 7quot MM 6.00 David Bowie Bing Crosby Peace On Earth (BOW12) Orig 7quot VGEX 4.00 David Bowie Cat People (MCA770) Orig 7quot EXEX 4.00 David Bowie Lets Dance (EA152) Orig 7quot MM 3.00 David Bowie China Girl (EA157) Orig 7quot MM 4.00 David Bowie Mick Jagger Dancing In The Street (EA204) Orig 7quot EXEX 4.00 David Bowie Underground (EA216 ) Orig 7quot EXEX 4.00 Davie Jones and The King Bees Liza Jane (F13807) Orig 7quot Co SleeveEX 5.00 Davy Jones and The Lower 3rd The Manish Boys EP (EMI2925) Orig 7quot Demo EXEX 40.00 Michael Coates 203 Tebay Drive, Slatyford, N ewcastle on Tyne NE5 2XJ, United Kingdom Contact: Michael at Click on the banner above or visit musicfoto to view a whole range of different artists. DAVID BOWIE LIVE - TRADING ONLY Early 70s London Paris Cinema Studios 05021970 1CD Aylesbury Friars - Pro Master 250971 1CD has 1 second gaps between tracks The Ziggy Stardust Tour Kingston Polytechnic 6572 1CD Brilliant Starman Over The Rainbow - London 190872 plus BBC sessions Very Good 2CDs Cleveland Ohio 25th November 1972 gaps between each track but quality excellent 1CD Suicide Attack Tokyo, Japan 200473 Excellent Last Panic Detroit 01051973 Very Good 5 Minutes Mr Bowie 240573 1CD Lewisham Odeon soundcheck plus Bolan Marc shows rehearsals, Brilliant Hammersmith Odeon 03071973 His Masters Voice 1CD Excellent 1980 Floor Show - The Marquee Club - 18-20th October 1973 - 2CDs Superb The Diamond DogsSoul Tour Strange Fascination 050974 Los Angeles 2CDs Superb Madison, Wisconsin 101074 plus Tampa, Florida 020774 2CDs Detroit 161074 1CD Inc rare Somebody Up There live The Soul Tour Atlanta Omni 01121974 1CD Inc rare Win live The Station To Station World Tour The Vancouver 1976 Rehearsals 020276 Cleveland, USA 280276 2CDs Springfield, USA 210376 2CDs Wembley Empire Pool 080576 2CDs The Low And Heroes World Tour L. A Slaughter in the Air 040478 2 CDs Chicago 170478 2CDs Vienna Stadthalle 27051978 2CDs Another Stage Gothenburg 040678 2 CDs Superb Glasgow 200678 2CDs Earls Court 300678 2CDs Very Good Earls Court 01071978 2CDs Kiss You In The Rain Melbourne 181178 1CD The Serious Moonlight World Tour Tremble Like A Flower, Wembley Arena 03061983 1 CD good gaps between tracks. Wembley Arena Serious Moonlight 4th June 1983 2CDs Birmingham NEC Serious Moonlight 5th June 1983 2CDs Very Good Fejus, France 27th May 1983 2CDs Gothenburg, Sweden 12th June 1983 2CDs Hammersmith Odeon Serious Moonlight 30th June 1983 2CDs No Religion Milton Keynes 030783 2CDs Excellent Forum, Montreal, Canada 13071983 2CDs Superb The Glass Spider World Tour Wembley Stadium Glass Spider 190687 2CDs Very Good Slane Castle, Dublin 110787 2CDs Maine Road, Manchester 140787 2CDs Madison Square Garden, New York 10987 2CDs Sydney 71187 2CDs Montreacuteal 87, 30081987 2CDs The Sound And Vision World Tour Rehearsing Sound and Vision 021990 Birmingham NEC 20031990 2 CDs Tokyo 160690 2CDs Detroit 240690 2CDs Milton Keynes Bowl 05081990 2CDs Rio de Janeiro 200990 2CDs Sao Paulo 230990 1CD The Outside World Tour Great Woods Art Centre, Mansfield, USA 16091995 2CDs Live Hate St Louis 11101995 2CDs (with NIN) Superb Atlanta 091095 1CD My Death, Oslo 22011996 1CD Excellent Bring On The Chien, Paris 20021996 2CDs Excellent Tokyo 04061996 2CDs Excellent Bowie Hits The Road Tokyo, 05061996 2 CDs Superb Hiroshima, Japan Cherry Bowie 08061996 2CDs superb Japan 10061996 2 CDs Kremlin Palace, Moscow 18061996 1CD Phoenix Festival 18071996 2CDs superb The Earthling World Tour Changes At 50, 08011997 (Radio 1 FM) 50th Birthday Show 09011997 2CDs London, Hanover Grand Song and Dance 02061997 2CDs Superb Amsterdam 100697 1CD Utrecht 110697 2CDs Soylent Green Frauenfeld, Switzerland, 13071997 2 CDs Nantes 160797 2CDs Glasgow 220797 2CDs Shepherds Bush Empire 12081997 2 CDs Excellent Budapest 140897 1CD L. A. Revisited, Los Angeles 12091997 1 CD last half of show Very good Boston 11097 2CDs Quickfire Capitol Theatre, Port Chester 14101997 plus Hamburg 05061997 Superb 2CDs Radio City Music Hall 151097 2CDs Excellent Vienna 171097 2CDs Voyeur Santiago, Chile 051197 2CDs Superb The Hours Promotional Tour Dublin 101099 1CD NYC Kit Kat Club (TV) 19111999 Very Good Wednesdays Child (FM) Montreal Musi que 221199 Bonus London, Astoria 021299 2 CDs Excellent The 2000 Mini Tour Roseland Ballroom, New York 16062000 2CDs Still Hunky Dory - Roseland, New York 190600 2CDs Superb Glastonbury Festival 250600 2 CD Heathen World Tour Roseland Ballroom (New York) 11062002 2CDs AEs Live By Request, New York, 15062002 2CDs Meltdown 2002 (Royal Festival Hall) 290602 2CDs Olympia Music Hall, Paris 01072002 2CDs Quart Festival, Kristensand, Norway 03072002 2 CDs Ostend 070702 2CDs Manchester Move Festival 100702 2 CDs Cologne 120702 2CDs Nimes 140702 2CDs Lucia 150702 2CDs Montreal, Canada 180702 2CDs Area 2 Mansfield, Boston, 03082002 2CDs Detroit 060802 1CD Area 2 Tinley Park, Chicago, 08082002 1CDs Seattle Your Gorgeous 160802 2CDs Superb Berlin, Germany 220902 2CDs Paris, France 240902 2CDs Paris, France 250902 2CDs Museumsplatz, Bonn, Germany 27092002 2CDs Hammersmith Odeon 21002 3CDs Snug Harbour, New York 111002 2CDs St Annes Warehouse, Brooklyn, New Jersey 12102002 2CDs Queens College, New York 16102002 2 CDs Beacon Theatre, New York 201002 2CDs A Few Words For You, Boston, 23102002 2CDs Tibet House 1, 2, 3. 25201, 21202 and 28203 2 CDs Reality Tour Surreality Chance Theatre, New York 19th August 2003 2CDs The Forum, Copenhagen 071003 2CDs Superb Stockholm 081003 2 CDs Oslo 12102003 2CDs Rotterdam, Holland 15102003 2CDs Frankfurt, Germany 18102003 2CDs Bercy, Paris 201003 2CDs Excellent Bercy, Paris 211003 2CDs Excellent Milan 23rd October 2003 2CDs Zurich 24102003 2CDs Stuttgart 26th October 2003 2CDs Vienna, Austria 29102003 2CDs Cologne 311003 2CDs Berlin 03112003 4CDs Antwerp 05112003 2CDs Lille 071103 2CDs Amneville 081103 2CDs Nice 10th November 2003 2CDs Marseille 14112003 2CDs Lyon 15th November 2003 2CDs Birmingham NEC 19th November 2003 2CDs Birmingham NEC 20th November 2003 2 CDs Excellent Dublin 22nd November 2003 2 CDs Dublin 23rd November 2003 3CDs Superb Wembley Arena 25th November 2003 2CDs Excellent Wembley Arena 26th November 2003 2CDs Excellent Glasgow S. E.C. 28th November 2003 2CDs Excellent Paradiso Island, Bahamas 20th December 2003 FM Radio Special 1CD 2004 leg Cleveland 070104 2CDs Minneapolis 11012004 2CDs Chicago 130104 2CDs Chicago 14012004 2CDs Superb Chicago 16012004 2 CDs Denver 19012004 2 CDs Los Angeles, Shine Auditorium 31012004 2CDs Los Angeles 02022004 2CDs Sydney 20022004 2CDs Sydney 21022004 2 CDs Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, Australia 260204 2CDs Excellent Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, 27022004 2 CDs Perth, Australia 01032004 2CDs Mini clicks bt songs The Budokan, Tokyo 08032004 2CDs Superb, great set The Budokan, Tokyo 09032004 2CDs Osaka, 11th March 2004 2CDs Air Canada Centre, Toronto 01042004 2CDs Kelowna, British Columbia 11042004 2CDs Santa Barbara Bowl, California 190404 2CDs Excellent Los Angeles 22042004 2CDs Austin 27042004 2CDs Atlanta 08052004 2CDs Starlight Theatre, Kansas City 10052004 s CDs Excellent 1 sec gaps Hershey, PA 13052004 2CD Milwaukee 19052004 2CDs Quad Cities, Moline 22052004 2CDs Buffalo 25052004 2 CDs Borgata Hotel, Casino Spa, Atlantic City 29053004 2 CDs excellent, Bowie on top form Atlantic City 30052004 2CDs Jones Beach Theatre, New York 04062004 2 CDs Excellent Hokmdol, New Jersey 05062004 2 CDs Excellent 1 sec gaps Amsterdam 11062004 2CDs Isle Of Wight 13062004 2 CDs Full show lsquoNorwegian Wood Oslo, Norway 18062004 2 CDs Miscellaneous In The Studio 1997 Radio Show celebrating 25th Anniversary of Ziggy Stardust 1CD BBC Radio Show 27062000 2CDs Heathen in London - Maida Vale studios 180902, Parkinson 21902, Jools Holland Show 21902 1CD Seven Months in America Radio shows interview 1CD 1971 Radio Interview from Philadelphia, USA 1CD Johnny Walker Radio Show interviews David Bowie includes many songs old, new and rare 1CD Rockline Radio Interview 24092003 1CD Two Radio Interviews from September 2003 1CD. Trades Welcome - Please contact DAVID BOWIE VIDEO FOOTAGE Make your own video: Pick what you want from the list below and Ill put it on tape for you. Maximum time 3 hours per tape. pound15.00 per tape (including pp) in UK, Overseas pp on request. To Love You Till Tuesday (28 mins) Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars (90 mins) Cracked Actor 1975 (54 mins) The Man Who Fell To Earth (widescreen, 133 mins) Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (122 mins) The Hunger (93 mins) Serious Moonlight (90 mins) Ricochet (the making of Serious Moonlight, 60 mins) Jazzin For Blue Jean (full length, 27 mins) Just A Gigolo (90 mins) Labyrinth (92 mins) Glass Spider (105 mins) Black Tie White Noise (63 mins) The Video Collection 1972-1990 (105 mins) Live in Germany Outside tour 26 June 96 (97 mins) The Linguini Incident (100 mins) Planet Rock Profile 1997 (19 mins) Net Aid 91099 (20 mins) T. F.I. Friday (81099 (16 mins) Top of the Pops 2 November 1999 (37 mins) Later With Jools Holland December 1999 (22 mins) The Hunger Sci. Fi channel (23 mins) Storytellers VH-1 February 2000 (45 mins) VH-1 1 To 1 February 2000 (23 mins) T. F.I. Friday 2362000, 2 songs (8 mins) Glastonbury, BBC footage 2562000 (50 mins) Brit Awards with Placebo (20th Century Boy 4 mins) Walk On The Wild Side, documentary including Bowie (50 mins) Behind The Music, Iggy Pop includes footage of Bowie, Basquiat (107 mins), Baal (65 mins), Pierrot In Turquoise (The Looking Glass Murders 25 mins), Thursdays Child shown on Channel ORF1 (5 mins), Little Wonder Telling Lies (unknown 10 mins), Freddie Mercury Tribute (16 mins), Highlights from Live Aid (10 mins), The White Room November 1996 (12 mins), OGWT Queen Bitch (3 mins), TOTP Tribute (15 mins), MTV Documentary 1990 (25 mins) MTV Interviews 20 mins), Dancing In The Street Music Documentary 1996 (30 mins), Later With Jools Holland 1996 (20 mins), Intervi ew on American TV 1993 (15 mins), Jay Leno Show to promote Outside Tour (7 mins), Bowies Tribute to Lou Reed (7 mins), Live at Phoenix Festival 1997 (25 mins), Live in NY Port Chester 1997 (45 mins), David Fanning Interview (24 mins), Angie Bowie Interview (8 mins), Live in Japan Sound and Vision Tour 1990 (134 mins), Bowie and Tin Machine on Wogan (8 mins), Tin Machine at Paramount City (5 mins), Tin Machine on TOTP (4 mins), Live at the Beat Club (45 mins), Greatest Hits VH1 (23 mins), The Image, short bw film (14 mins), Luv Ice Cream Advert (30 secs), Full Stretch (52 mins), Dream On, three episodes (75 mins), Lulu singing The Man Who Sold The World (4 mins), Mr Rices Secret, (90 mins), Everybody Loves Sunshine, (90 mins), Tin Machine live in Hamburg 1989, DB live in Dublin 1995 (through a camcorder), DB live in Dublin 1997 (through a camcorder) Dr Bowie and Mr Jones on FrenchGerman TV 3101 (60 mins), Out On The Green Frauenfell (camcorder) 13797 (102 mins), Montreal (3 songs) (12 m ins), Soul Train: Fame (3 mins), Afternoon Plus 12279, Film Absolute Beginners (103 mins), Absolute Beginners Documentary (6 mins), Cher Show 231175 (15 mins), H. F. 12 1976 (3 mins), Friday Night Saturday Morning 101080 (18 mins), Russell Harty Plus 281175 (29 mins), Late Night with Conan OBrien (14 mins). Please note all videos are in PAL format. When contacting please state where your videos are to be sent as free post and packing only within the UK. If you need more information please contact me at Search all of the World Wide Web on one page for David Bowie information To advertise FREE on the BowieWonderworld Trading Post Please email your advertisement copy to:Terms Conditions The following describes the terms and conditions upon which EmpireOption (EO) offers access to its Website to you the customer (you) and the use of its services (the Agreement). This Agreement describes the terms, conditions and risks applicable to your use of our services available under the domain of empireoption (the Site). If you have any questions regarding this Agreement please contact Customer Support. You must read, agree with and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement without modifications, which include those terms and conditions expressly set forth below and those incorporated by reference, before you may become a customer of EmpireOption. By continuing to access or use the Site, you agree to follow the terms and conditions of this Agreement as they may apply to you. This Agreement is effective upon acceptance in registration for newly registering customers. If you do not agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, do not use or access our services, and inform us in writing immediately. 2. Online Services Agreement This Agreement is made by and between EmpireOption and you. This Agreement applies to both the Site and the trading platform, to the electronic content or software currently contained on the Site that supplies the customer with real time information about predictions and content or services that EmpireOption may add in the future (the Service). 3. Membership Eligibility The Services are available to and may only be used by individuals or companies who can form legally binding contracts under the law applicable to their country of residence. Without limiting the foregoing, our Services are not available to persons under the age of 18 or otherwise under legal age (Minors). If you are a Minor, you may not use this service. Our services are not available for United States residents. IF YOU DO NOT QUALIFY, PLEASE DO NOT USE OUR SITE. For avoidance of doubt, we shall not be responsible for any unauthorized use by Minors of our Services in any way or manner. Furthermore, our Services are available only to, and may only be used by individuals who have sufficient experience and knowledge in financial matters to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks of acquiring financial contracts via this Site and have done so without relying on any information contained in this Site. You shall bear sole responsibility for any decision made andor to be made by you relying on the content of the Site. Without derogating from the above provision, we shall not be responsible for verifying andor checking whether you possess such sufficient knowledge andor experience, nor shall we be responsible for any damage andor loss incurred by you due to andor related to the Site, transactions carried out by you andor your use of the Services. Without limiting the foregoing, our Services are not available where they are illegal to use, and EO reserves the right to refuse andor cancel Services to anyone at its own discretion. 4. Registration Information and Requirements When you register for the service, EO will ask you to provide certain personal information. You are responsible of providing your own, truthful, accurate, current and complete personal details during the registration process, to not supplant any person or entity, to not falsify your connection with another person, entity or association, to not use false identifications and to not hide in any way and for any purpose your identity to EO. The email you use to create your account will be verified, and the personal documents that you upload to your user profile must be real and must also attest your identity. If you register as a business entity or in behalf of one, you declare that you have authority to legally bind such entity to the terms and conditions of this agreement. EO will take care of the information you provide, in accordance with the EO provisions during the registration process and in its Privacy Policy. 5. 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You agree not to resell or permit access of the Site to others, and not to copy any materials appearing on the Site for resale or for any other purpose to others without the prior written consent of EmpireOption. For avoidance of doubt, you shall be responsible and bound by any unauthorized use of the Site, made in breach of this section. You agree to use the information received from the information systems of EmpireOption for the sole purpose of executing transactions inside and within the Site. You further agree not to use any electronic communication feature of a Service on the Site for any purpose that is unlawful, tortuous, abusive, intrusive on anothers privacy, harassing, libelous, defamatory, embarrassing, obscene, threatening or hateful. The License granted under this Agreement will terminate if EmpireOption believes that any information provided by you, including your e-mail address, is no longer current or accurate, or if you fail to otherwise comply with any term or condition of this Agreement and all rules and guidelines for each service or EOP establishes that you have abused in any way (including but not limited to engaging in a transaction out of market rates) the EO trading platform. Upon such violation, you agree to cease accessing Services. You agree that EmpireOption, at its sole discretion and with or without notice, may terminate your access to any or all Services, close your open transaction and remove and discard any information or content within a Service. You agree to use the Site at your own risk. Without limiting the foregoing, the Services contained within this Site are suitable only for customers who are able to bear the loss of all the money they invest, and who understand the risks and have experience in taking risks involved in financial markets. Muligheten er at du kan opprettholde et tap av noen eller hele din opprinnelige investering, og derfor bør du ikke investere penger som du ikke har råd til å tape. You should be aware of all the risks associated with digital options trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. 8. Financial Information EO can offer you, via newsletters, seminars, e-books, videos and other types of services, a wide range of financial information that is generated internally or received from external agents, suppliers or partners (from now on, the external suppliers). This includes financial market information, rates, market news, analytic opinions, research reports, charts and information, trading signals, among others (from now on, the Financial Information). Financial Information provided on this Site is not intended as investment advice. EmpireOption does not endorse or approve the Financial Information, and we make it available to you only as a service for your own convenience. EmpireOption and its Third Party Providers do not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, completeness or correct sequencing of the Financial Information, or warrant any results from your use or reliance on the Financial Information. Financial Information may quickly become unreliable for various reasons including, for example, changes in market conditions or economic circumstances. Neither EmpireOption nor the Third Party Providers are obligated to update any information or opinions contained in any Financial Information, and we may discontinue offering Financial Information at any time without notice. It is your duty to verify the reliability of the information on the Site and its suitability to your needs. We exclude any liability for any claim, loss or damage of any kind allegedly caused by information presented on the Site or referred to by the Site. In the event that any of the financial asset price providers that work with EO reflects erroneous or contradictory market information, EO reserves the right to cancel the operations opened in the period in which such providers reflected such erroneous information. The market signals system that EmpireOption offers is provided by Autochartist (autochartist ). EO is not responsible for the accuracy of the financial information and the signals that the external provider indicates, as well as for the open trades based on this information by the customer. EO provides this information as a service for its customers benefit. For more information click here (autochartistprivacy-policy ). The Simulator is an exclusive EmpireOption tool that allows to predict the effects that the most important events in the financial market may have on the price of various assets. EO is not responsible for the results that this tool may show due to changes in the conditions of the different financial markets or economic circumstances. EmpireOption may provide a link to other sites that are controlled or offered by third parties. Such link to a site or sites is not an endorsement, authorization, sponsorship or affiliation with respect to such site, its owners or its providers. EmpireOption cautions you to ensure that you understand the risks involved in using such sites before retrieving, using, relying upon or purchasing anything via the Internet. Links to these Websites are provided solely for your convenience, and you agree that under no circumstances will you hold EmpireOption liable for any loss or damage caused by use of or reliance on any content, goods or services available on other sites. 10. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL EmpireOption OR ANY OF ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR USE OF THE SITE OR SERVICES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE QUALITY, ACCURACY, OR UTILITY OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED AS PART OF OR THROUGH THE SITE OR FOR ANY INVESTMENT DECISIONS MADE ON THE BASIS OF SUCH INFORMATION, WHETHER THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE AND WHETHER OR NOT EO HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE FOREGOING LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SHALL APPLY TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW IN THE APPLICABLE JURISDICTION AND IN NO EVENT SHALL EOS CUMULATIVE LIABILITY TO YOU EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF MONEY YOU TRANSFERRED OR DEPOSITED IN YOUR ACCOUNT ON THE SITE IN RELATION TO THE TRANSACTION GIVING RISE TO SUCH LIABILITY. 11.A. Withdrawal Procedure The EmpireOption finance department handles all the orders of withdrawals from the registered clients. EmpireOption will ask you to provide identity documents and a valid telephone number in order to make the withdrawal. For withdrawals of over USD 1000 (a thousand US dollars) EmpireOption is entitled to decide through which electronic method will the company credit the amount, as well as the currency in which the transaction will be made and the financial destination where the transaction will take place. In EmpireOption withdrawals are subject to our Account policy: Waiting Period: 7 working days Cost: 25 USD Maximum withdrawal: 2000 units per month Minimum Withdrawal: 100 units Minimum number of operations: 15 Cost of closing account: 50 units Waiting Period: 5 working days Cost: 20 USD Maximum withdrawal: 3500 units per month Minimum Withdrawal: 100 units Minimum number of operations: 10 Cost of closing account: 150 units For Classic Accounts, Plus Accounts, Preferential and Empire Vip, the first withdrawal each month is free of charge. The following withdrawals will have the mentioned cost above. For any type of withdrawal in our platform users must perform a minimum of monthly operations (based on the type of account they have). Such operations are open trades, in the traditional binary operations mode with a minimum investment of 25 (dollarseuros) each. This operations cannot be sold or cancelled before their original closure. 11.B. EmpireOption Bonus Policy EmpireOption offers a number of attractive reward features to its new and regular customers. Bonuses (bonifications) and one time trading credits rewarded to customers are part of EOs promotions program. These bonuses are limited time offers and the terms and conditions associated with any bonus rewards are subject to change. Once the client has accepted any given bonus, the total cash amount in hisher account is subject to the terms conditions of the bonus. In order to withdraw the earnings or any available funds from the account, the client must make operations (in the traditional binary operations mode) that represent a volume 30 times the value of the granted bonus. As an example, a user who receives a bonus of 100 units, must open operations of 3.000 units in order to credit hisher bonus as real money in the balance. Before reaching such amount, the money credited as a bonus works as fake money, prohibiting certain activities, such as withdrawals. For bonuses above 200, certain exceptions could be applied, demanding operations for a volume equal to 50 times the value of the granted bonus. The user can request a bonus within hisher user account. Bonuses are given only under the clients accordance, not being automatic, so the customer is obliged to be informed about this procedure. For a bonus to be properly credited, the client must upload the required documents (receipt or proof of address, Passport or other identity document) to the profile of your personal user account. Any indication of fraud, manipulation, cash-back arbitrage, or other forms of deceitful or fraudulent activity based on the provision of the bonus will nullify the account and any and all profits or losses garnered. Until not accomplishing the total conditions, the credited amount as bonuses will not be considered as real money, but as a fake amount that enables clients to open operations without being a financial risk for the client. Secure trades Secure trades are a part of promotions program of EmpireOption, and they have same conditions and requirements of granted bonus. As bonus, secure trades are accepted by the customer and are subject to the terms of operations performance for a volume equal or more than 30 times of assured operation accredited. Secure trades are granted on customer conformity, not automatically, so the customer acknowledges this procedure. 11.C. Invite to a friend EmpireOption offers all its active clients (Inviter) the possibility of inviting a friend or friends (inviteeinvitees) to register on the platform through various means (link, email, twitter, Facebook), which will be at the clients disposal. With such motive, a one time 10 bonus based on the new clients (invitee) first deposit is offered, given that the invitee registered via one of the means previously specified. This bonus will be granted by adding credit to the account of the referent with a bonus worth 10 of the invitees first deposit. Said bonus will have a turnover requirement of 1 (In order to withdraw the earnings or any available funds from the account, the client must make operations that represent a volume equal to the value of the granted bonus.), being valid only Traditional Binary operations, which were not cancelled or sold before expiry. A bonus of these characteristics will be given to the Inviter, for each Invitee that registers and makes his first time deposit, and meets all specified requirements. There is no limit to the amount of friends a person can invite. For such a benefit to become effective, the Inviter must claim his bonus by sending an e-mail to accountingempireoption. This bonus will be credited once EmpireOption confirms that the Invitee has opened an account and deposited the minimum amount required, and complied with all the requirements for promotion and customers general conditions. The Invitee must have opened the account only using the aforementioned means, comply with the customers general conditions and have made a deposit within two (2) months of opening the account. After this time, the promotion will be deemed void. Any indication of fraud, manipulation or other forms of fraudulent activity based on the provision of a bonus will result in the nullification of the accounts and any gain or loss generated therein. If the Inviter has already acquired bonuses offered in other existing promotions, all capital present in the account will be subject to the conditions established by the bonus policy, mentioned above. 11.D. Wire Transfer deposits EmpireOption will add founds to your account only after deducting all expenses incidental to the transfer. The remaining balance will be credited to your account. 12. Requirements to withhold Accounts EmpireOption requests its users to comply with certain requirements to maintain the level of their personal accounts. All the new users or users who change their account level after making one or more deposits, will have a period of 1 month maintaining the same account to which they have accessed. To maintain the account level, customers must fulfill the following requirements: The accounts will be analyzed monthly, and the user must fulfill the following monthly averages in their balance and open trades: Micro Account: it has no special requirements Classical Account: 500 units 20 open trades. Plus Account: 1000 units 50 open trades. Preferencial Account . 2500 100 units open trades. Empire VIP: 10000 200 units open trades. The failure to comply with any of these conditions will determine the change of the account level at 1 (one) level per month down to Micro Account. No person shall abuse this site for the purpose of money laundering. EmpireOption employs best-practice anti-money laundering (AML) procedures. EmpireOption reserves the right to refuse to do business with, to discontinue to do business with, and to reverse the transactions of, customers who do not accept or conform to the following AML requirements and policies: Supporting proof of the origin of the funds deposited. Proof of monthly income of the account owner or family. A recent extract from the bank balance of the account holder in EO. Live traders must provide all requested information upon registration. Winnings will only be paid to the individual who initially registered to open a live account. When a customer maintains an account by means wire transfer deposits, winnings will only be distributed to the holder of the originating bank account. When making deposits in this manner, it is the responsibility of the live trader to ensure that the traders account number and registered name of the account owner accompany all transfers to EmpireOption. When a customer funds an account by means of creditdebit card deposits, winnings will only be distributed to the individual whose name appears on the card used to make the deposit and only be paid back to the same card. Only one account is allowed per person. No winnings may be collected on accounts opened in false names or on multiple accounts opened by the same person. EO may, from time to time, at its sole discretion, require a customer to provide additional proof of identity such as notarized copy of passport or other means of identity verification as it deems required under the circumstances and may at its sole discretion suspend an account until such proof has been provided to its satisfaction. EO reserves the right to request documentation not described in this section, but of future importance to recognize the origin of deposited funds. EmpireOption has the highest standards in money-laundering prevention and identification of its clients. Every client that transfers funds to our company must provide personal proof of id such as: identity document, proof of address, and in the case of transferring funds via credit or debit card, copy of front and back (last 4 digits uncovered) of the card, a signed purchase history of your online transactions to be able to operate, apply for bonuses and request withdrawals. 14. Intellectual Property All content, trademarks, services marks, trade names, logos and icons are the property of EO or its affiliates or agents and are protected by copyright laws and international treaties and provisions. You agree not to delete any copyright notices or other indications of protected intellectual property rights from materials that you print or download from the Site. You will not obtain any intellectual property rights in, or any right or license to use such materials or the Site, other than as set out in this Agreement. Images displayed on the Site are either the property of EmpireOption or used with permission. You agree not to upload, post, reproduce or distribute any information, software or other material protected by copyright or any other intellectual property right (as well as rights of publicity and privacy) without first obtaining the permission of the owner of such rights and the prior written consent of EmpireOption. 15. Communication policy EmpireOption uses a mailing system SMS (mobile messaging), retargeting in social net and display (cookies), system of banners and layers with the objective of informing its clients about changes, special offers and benefits. In case the user decides to unsubscribe from any of these communication channels, Empire Option doesnb4t take responsibility on the information that the user didnt receive. You agree to defend and indemnify EmpireOption and its officers, directors, employees, and agents and to hold them harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with (i) your access to or use of the Site or Services (ii) your violation of any of the terms of this Agreement or (iii) your breach of any applicable laws or regulations. 17. Term and Termination The term of the Agreement shall be unlimited, however EmpireOption will be allowed to terminate this Agreement at any time by notice to you. As of termination, you shall not be able to carry out new transactions. 18. Outside Execution System Non authorized Automatic or semi automatic trading mechanism integrated by the client on the browser or client side, that does not involve human execution, will be considered back door API or system abuse that may result to an account suspension andor position cancellation. Positions that were taken in this way are resulted in prices that wouldnt have been accepted or filled in the general market therefore will be consider as an off market transactions which will be resulted in cancellation. Processing provided by Brighton Digital Services Ltd with registered address 1A, Arcade House, Temple Fortune, London, NW11 7TL, United Kingdom. EmpireOption will not be liable in any way to any persons in the event of force majeure, or for the act of any government or legal authority. In the event that any provision in this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect. The failure of a party to enforce any right or provision of this Agreement will not be deemed a waiver of such right or provision. EmpireOption may assign this Agreement or any rights andor obligations hereunder without your consent. EmpireOption may amend the terms of this Agreement from time to time by posting the amended terms on the Site. You are responsible for checking whether the Agreement was amended. Any amendment shall come into force as of the day it was published on the Site. If you do not agree to be bound by the changes to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, do not use or access our Services, and inform us in writing immediately. To participate on this competition you must log in EmpireOption ist die intuitiv zu bedienende, sichere und revolutionre Plattform fr binre Optionen am Online-Finanzmarkt. Werden Sie Hndler von binren Optionen und handeln Sie Aktien, Rohstoffe, Indizes und Whrungen. Werden Sie Teil unseres Broker Academy-Programms und lernen Sie die beste Strategie zum Trading von binren Optionen. EmpireOption will, dass Kunden bei jedem Trade erfolgreich sind. Aus diesem Grund haben wir das Kundensupport-Team mit der grten Erfahrung, das rund um die Uhr an sieben Tagen die Woche zur Verfgung steht, sowie die fortschrittlichste Plattform auf dem Markt. Traden Sie online, ohne jegliche Software auf Ihren Computer, Ihr Smartphone oder Ihr Tablet herunterladen zu mssen. Beginnen Sie mit dem Trading an den Finanzmrkten der Welt, erstellen Sie Ihr eigenes Investment-Portfolio und profitieren Sie von unserer einzigartigen Plattform fr binre Optionen, um Ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Binre Optionen sind der einfachste Weg, in die Welt der globalen Finanzmrkte einzusteigen. Erstellen Sie Ihr eigenes Investment-Portfolio und nutzen Sie unsere Plattform, um Ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Binre Optionen sind sehr einfach zu nutzen: Whlen Sie einen Asset, prognostizieren Sie, ob der Kurs hher oder niedriger sein wird, whlen Sie die Ablaufzeit Ihrer Wahl und investieren Sie den von Ihnen gewnschten Betrag. Die Erffnung eines Kontos bei EmpireOption ist kostenlos, und es fallen keine monatlichen Kosten jeglicher Art an. Kein von Ihnen auf der Plattform erffneter Trade zieht irgendwelche Gebhren oder Provisionen nach sich. Wichtiger Risikohinweis: Empire Option bietet Zugang zu einer internationalen Trading-Plattform, die den Handel mit digitalen Optionen ermglicht. Der Handel mit digitalen Optionen kann zum teilweisen oder vollstndigen Verlust der Investition des Kunden fhren. Es wird empfohlen, die Nutzungsbedingungen sorgfltig zu lesen, bevor Sie bei EmpireOption traden. Die auf der Trading-Plattform von EmpireOption angezeigten Assetpreise stellen den Kurs dar, zu dem das Unternehmen an einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt eine Option verkauft. Dieser Kurs kann vom Wert des Assets in Echtzeit oder zu dessen Verkaufspunkt abweichen. Kunden, die mit dem Trading von digitalen Optionen Gewinne erzielen wollen, mssen sich dieser Tatsache bewusst sein. Jeder Kunde muss die Steuergesetze des Landes kennen, in welchem er seinen Wohnsitz hat. ELIGIBILITY: The Services are available to and may only be used by individuals or companies who can form legally binding contracts under the law applicable to their country of residence. Without limiting the foregoing, our Services are not available to persons under the age of 18 andor USA residents. Please be aware that laws regarding financial contracts may vary throughout the world, and it is your entire responsibility to ensure that you fully comply with any law, regulation or directive, relevant to your country of residency to the use of this website.

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